
  • Dec 14, 2017, 12:34 PM

Gurnee Police to Conduct Holiday Mobilization Enforcement Period

Gurnee, IL – Beginning December 18th and running through January 2nd, 2018, the Gurnee Police Department will be conducting special traffic enforcement efforts throughout the village.

Funded by a grant from the Illinois Department of Transportation, Bureau of Safety Programs and Engineering and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, these additional hours of enforcement actions are being focused to remove drunk and drugged drivers from the roadways, increase safety belt compliance, child safety seat use, and to curb speeding motorists.

The police department would like drivers to follow these tips to keep the holidays safe and happy:

  • Even one drink can impair your judgment and increase the risk of getting arrested for driving drunk – or worse, the risk of having a crash.
  • If you will be drinking, plan ahead; designate a sober driver before the party begins.
  • If someone you know has been drinking, do not let that person get behind the wheel. Take their keys, take them home or help them arrange a safe way home.  
  • If you see an impaired driver on the road, contact your local law enforcement. Your actions could help save someone’s life.
  • Buckle your seat belt, regardless of where you are seated it is the law. Seat belts save lives.

Remember, driving after drinking should never be an option. Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over and Click It or Ticket