2018 Residential Leaf Collection Dates
The Village of Gurnee's annual leaf collection program will begin on Monday, October 22nd, 2018. This is a six week program that is provided by Waste Management as part of the Village's residential hauling contract. Leaves that are placed in the parkway will be picked up by a Waste Management vacuum truck throughout the six weeks. We recommend you have your leaves out by Monday at 6:00 a.m. of each week to ensure the best chance of collection. Please note, your garbage collection day is not necessarily the same as your leaf pickup day: http://gurneeil.maps.arcgis.com/apps/SimpleViewer/index.html?appid=07ed2256a39a4c8ba87390dcaa92fbe9.
As a reminder, please do not place leaves for collection in the street. This can be dangerous for drivers and may also create drainage problems. If you have any questions regarding leaf collection, please contact the Village at 847-599-7500 or visit our website at http://www.gurnee.il.us/residents/recycling/leaf-collection
As a reminder, please do not place leaves for collection in the street. This can be dangerous for drivers and may also create drainage problems. If you have any questions regarding leaf collection, please contact the Village at 847-599-7500 or visit our website at http://www.gurnee.il.us/residents/recycling/leaf-collection