Bids and Requests for Proposals
Vendors can stay up-to-date on upcoming bids by signing up for our "Bids/RFPs Notices" Listserv email. Sign up here.
Active Bids/RFPs
Sealed bids for the 2025 Water Main Improvements – Stoney Island Region project in Village of Gurnee, Illinois, will be received until 10:30 AM on February 24th, 2025 at the office of the Civil Engineer of the Village of Gurnee, 325 N. O’Plaine Road Gurnee, IL 60031, at which time the bids will be publicly opened.
The project consists of installing approximately 3800 LF - 8” PVC C900 WM, 1325 LF - 6” PVC C900 WM, 13 EACH - Fire Hydrants, 1 EACH – Fire Hydrant Relocation, 11 Each – 8” Gate Valve in 4’ Vault, 1 EACH – 6” Gate Valve in 4’ Valve Vault, 71 -1.5” water service connection, 225 FT – Remove and Replace Culvert, 335 FT – 12” Water Main Quality Storm Sewer, 63 FT – 8” Water Main Quality Storm Sewer, 3 EACH – 4’ Diameter, Type A, Manhole, Type 8 Grate, 5,500 SY - Topsoil Furnish and Place, and all other work necessary to complete the improvements.
The Village of Gurnee will accept sealed proposals for the installation of lift station control panels at four locations in Gurnee. Proposals will be accepted until 10:30 AM on January 28, 2025, and at that time, will be publicly opened and read. Proposals are to be sealed and marked “LIFT STATION CONTROL PANELS REPLACEMENT PROJECT - SEALED BID” and delivered to the Public Works Department at 1151 Kilbourne Road, Gurnee, IL 60031.
The project includes the installation of the following: Stainless steel control panel, pump controller and associated electrical components, manual transfer switch and associated generator receptacle, communication equipment for SCADA controls and monitoring.
Beginning January 7, 2025, detailed specifications for the LIFT STATION CONTROL PANELS REPLACEMENT PROJECT can be obtained online at:
A mandatory pre-proposal meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 14, 2025, at 10:00 AM at 1151 Kilbourne Rd, Gurnee, IL. Contact Water Utility Manager, Brett Fritzler, for information at (847) 599-6800.
The Village Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any proposal for failure to comply with all of the requirements of this notice or any proposal documents; however, it may waive any minor defects or informalities at its discretion.
The Village Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to award a contract which, in its judgment, is in the best interest of the Village of Gurnee.
Download the Request for Proposal for bid information and instructions.
The Village Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Proposals or any part thereof; waive any minor defects, irregularities or informalities; and to decide not to award any contract; or award a contract deemed to be in the best interests of the Village of Gurnee.
Public Notice
Keeping Posted Newsletter RFP
Keeping Posted Printing and Mailing Services Contract
Keeping Posted Example
Keeping Posted + Example
Past Bids/RFPs
Please download the Notice to Bidders below for complete information.
Sealed bids for the O’Plaine Road at Kings Way North Sidewalk Improvement project in Village of Gurnee, Illinois, will be received until 10:00 AM on July 29th, 2024 at the office of the Civil Engineer of the Village of Gurnee, 325 N. O’Plaine Road Gurnee, IL 60031, at which time the bids will be publicly opened.
The project consists of installing approximately 350 FT of concrete sidewalk at a width of 5 FT. The sidewalk will terminate at a mid-block crossing on O’Plaine Road to connect the Park District’s existing path.
Please download the Notice to Bidders below for complete information.
Plan Holders List (07/19/2024)
Plan Holders List (07/11/2024)
Notice to Bidders (07/10/2024)
Sealed proposals for the improvement described below will be received at the office of the Village of Gurnee, Public Works, 1151 Kilbourne Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, until 10:00 A.M., July 25, 2024. Proposals will be opened and read publicly at that time.
“Village of Gurnee Public Works Material Bin Reconstruction Project 2024”
The project is located at 1151 Kilbourne Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031.
Work will include construction of a material bin storage structure composed of foundation, concrete walls, steel beams, roofing, lighting, electrical panel removal and replacement, pavement removal and replacement, etc.
1. Plans and bid documents will be online at or by request, via email to
2. It will be the bidder’s responsibility to verify any addenda via the Village’s website. Addenda will be posted to the Village’s Transparency Portal.
3. The awarding authority reserves the right to waive technicalities and to reject any or all proposals as provided in Check Sheet LRS 6 of the “Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions,” prepared by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
4. Contractor shall not pay less than the prevailing rates of wages to all laborers, workmen and mechanics performing work under this contract, and shall comply with the requirements of the Illinois Wages of Employees on Public Works Act (820 ILCS 130/1-12).
Please download the following for more information:
Addendum No. 2 (07/18/2024)
Addendum No. 1 (06/28/2024)
Bid Docs (06/24/2024
Bid Set (6/24/2024)
The Village of Gurnee will accept sealed proposals for the installation of a 30 kVA generator to be located at the Lee Ave Lift Station at 4370 Lee Ave, Gurnee. Proposals will be accepted until 10:30 AM on July 23, 2024, and at that time, will be publicly opened and read. Proposals are to be sealed and marked “LEE AVE LIFT STATION STANDBY GENERATOR - SEALED BID” and delivered to the Public Works Department at 1151 Kilbourne Road, Gurnee, IL 60031.
The project includes the installation of the following: 30 kVA natural gas generator with enclosure, automatic transfer switch with built-in load center, and rewiring the existing electrical circuitry into the new load center. Also installation of a 100 amp main disconnect.
A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 10, 2024, at 10:00 AM at the Lee Ave Lift Station at 4370 Lee Ave, Gurnee. Contact Water Utility Manager, Brett Fritzler, for information at (847) 599-6800.
Please download the Bid Packet below for complete details.Bid Packet (06/07/2024)
Sealed bids for the 2024 Water Main Improvements – Rudd Court project in Village of Gurnee, Illinois, will be received until 10:30 AM on July 29th, 2024 at the office of the Civil Engineer of the Village of Gurnee, 325 N. O’Plaine Road Gurnee, IL 60031, at which time the bids will be publicly opened.
The project consists of installing approximately 315 LF - 6” PVC C900 WM, 1 EACH - Fire Hydrants, 2 Each – 6” Valve in Vaults, 1 EACH-1.5” water service connection, 2 EACH – Water Main Connection (Non-Pressure), 100 CY – Trench Backfill, 105 SF – PCC Sidewalk, 25 SQ YD – Pavement Patching, Class D, 150 SQ YD - Topsoil Furnish and Place, and all other work necessary to complete the improvements.
Please review the bid notice linked below for full specifications and requirements.
Plan Holders List (07/23/2024)
Plan Holders List (6/18/2024)
Bid Notice
The project consists of installing approximately 2318 LF - 8” PVC C900 WM, 156 LF – 8” PVC WM Installed in 16” Casing Pipe, 15 LF - 6” PVC, 7 EACH - Fire Hydrants, 8 Each – 8” Valve in Vaults, 1 EACH – 8” Valve in Box[ALTERNATE] , 1 EACH – 6” Valve in Vaults, 15-1.5” water service connections, 100 LF – 12” RCCP Storm Sewer, 500 CY – Trench Backfill, 900 SF – PCC Sidewalk, 100 LF – Concrete Curb & Gutter, 3,800 SY - Topsoil Furnish and Place, and all other work necessary to complete the improvements.
Plan Holders List (03/12/24)
Plan Holders List (03/01/24)
Download the Bid Notice for complete details
Sealed proposals for the improvement described below will be received at the office of the Village of Gurnee, Engineering, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, until 10:30 A.M., March 18th, 2024.
Proposals will be opened and read publicly at that time.
“2024 MFT Street Maintenance Program #8456”
The project is located at various streets in Gurnee, IL.
Hot-Mix Surf. Rem., Cl.-D Pavement Patching, Leveling Binder, HMA Surface Course, Curb
Sidewalk Rem. & Repl., MH & Inlet Adj., Thermo. Pvmt. Marking, Bridge Scarification, Storm Sewer, and other associated items to complete the improvement.
Plan Holders List (02/19/2024)
Download the Bidders Instructions for complete information. (02/12/2024)
Notice to Bidders
PROJECT LOCATION: 1151 Kilbourne Rd., Gurnee, IL 60031
- Roof Replacement: New EPDM Roof System
- Roof Repairs: Reseal seams and flashing on metal roofs
PRE-BID MEETING: January 17, 2024 @ 10:00 am
BIDS CLOSE: January 30, 2024 @ 10:00 am
1151 Kilbourne Road
Gurnee, IL 60031
c/o Heather Galan
Bid Tabulation (02/06/2024)
Addendum No. 1 (01/24/2024)
Pre-Bid Meeting Minutes (01/17/2024)
Plan Holders List (01/16/2024)
Plan Holders List (01/12/2024)
Download the Project Specifications Manual for more information (01/09/2024)
Sealed bids for the Dilleys Road Pedestrian Path project in the Village of Gurnee, Illinois will be received until 10:00 AM on January 16th, 2024 at the office of the Civil Engineer I of the Village of Gurnee, 325 N. O’Plaine Road Gurnee, IL 60031, at which time the bids will be publicly opened.
The project consists of installing approximately 2,650 FT of an HMA pedestrian path at a width of 8 FT to connect the path at the ComEd ROW to the path on Stearns School Road.
Bid security shall be furnished in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. Contact Nicholas Leach, 847-599-7550 for information regarding this project.
1. Construction bidding documents (drawings, specification, and addenda) will be distributed via the Village of Gurnee’s FTP site LiquidFile, for no additional cost. Prospective Bidders are urged to register with the Village of Gurnee in person or via e-mail as a plan holder, even if Bidding Documents are obtained from a third party source other than the Village of Gurnee in either electronic or paper format. All official notifications, addenda, and other Bidding Documents will be offered only through the Village of Gurnee’s website and e-mail. Neither Owner nor Engineer will be responsible for Bidding Documents, including addenda, if any, obtained from sources other than the designated website.
Printed copies of the plans and an abridged version of the project manual are available in the office of the Village of Gurnee, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031 for a non-refundable cost of $100.
Bid documents are also available for pick up distributed via USB for $25.
2. The Submittal of current IDOT Certificate of Eligibility (Form BC-733) and Affidavit of Availability (Form BC-57) is required as provided for in Check Sheet LRS 6 of the “Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions,” prepared by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
3. All proposals must be accompanied by a proposal guarantee as provided in Check Sheet LRS 6 of the “Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions,” prepared by the Department of Transportation.
4. The awarding authority reserves the right to waive technicalities and to reject any or all proposals as provided in Check Sheet LRS 6 of the “Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions,” prepared by the Department of Transportation.
5. Contractor shall not pay less than the prevailing rates of wages to all laborers, workmen, and mechanics performing work under this contract, and shall comply with the requirements of the Illinois Wages of Employees on Public Works Act (820 ILCS 130/1-12).
Summary of Bids (01/16/24)
Plan Holders List (01/05/24)
Addendum No. 1 (01/04/24)
Plan Holders List (12/28/23)
Plan Holders List (12/20/23)
Bid Notice (12/18/23)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Village of Gurnee will accept sealed proposals for providing all labor, equipment, vehicles, materials and related services necessary for the collection of residential waste, recyclable materials and landscape waste / food scraps at all residential dwellings not exceeding eight units (apartments are not included) as well as the collection of refuse and recyclable materials from designated Village collection sites. The proposed initial term of the Franchise Agreement will begin on June 1, 2024 and end on May 31, 2029.
Copies of the RFP will be available electronically at no later than 8:30 a.m., November 21, 2023. Information regarding proposals is posted on the homepage of the website.
Questions regarding the RFP may be submitted to Austin Pollack prior to the Pre-Proposal meeting by 4:00 p.m., December 1, 2023, via email to
An optional Pre-Proposal meeting will be held at 9:00 a.m., December 5, 2023. The meeting will be held in person at the Gurnee Village Hall at 325 N. O’Plaine Rd. in Gurnee, Illinois 60031.
Questions regarding the RFP must be submitted to Austin Pollack by 4:00 p.m., December 15, 2023, via email to
Proposals are to be sealed and marked “Residential Waste Collection Services RFP” and received by 12:00 pm, December 22, 2023 to:
Attn: Residential Franchise RFP
Gurnee Village Hall
325 N. O’Plaine Rd.
Gurnee, IL, 60031
The Village Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Proposals or any part thereof; waive any minor defects, irregularities or informalities; and to decide not to award any contract; or award a contract deemed to be in the best interests of the Village of Gurnee.
Gurnee RFP for Residential Waste Collection Services (11/21/23)
Current Residential Solid Waste Franchise Agreement (Draft) (11/21/23)
Pre-Proposal Meeting Emailed Questions and Attachment (12/5/23)
Addendum No. 1 (12/15/23)
Purchase and Delivery of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel
(Download the Bid Packet)
This Invitation for Bids (IFB) is for the purpose of establishing a contract with a qualified vendor to provide gasoline and diesel fuel to the Village of Gurnee Public Works facilities.
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Bidders are to submit one original of their response to this IFB. The bidders are to use the bid forms provided in this packet to submit their bids. The bids will be publicly opened and read with all bidders welcome to attend. Facsimile (FAX) or email bids are not acceptable and will not be considered.
SUBMISSION DATE: November 8, 2023 at 10:30 A.M.
Bids received after the time specified will be returned to the bidder unopened.
Village of Gurnee
Public Works
1151 Kilbourne Road
Gurnee, IL 60031
CONTACT/QUESTIONS: Submit questions to:
Mr. Craig Lambrecht
Fleet Management Administrator
1151 Kilbourne Road
Gurnee, IL 60031
(847) 599-6881
Sealed proposals for the improvement described below will be received at the office of the Village of Gurnee, Community Development, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, until 10:30 A.M., October 24, 2023. Proposals will be opened and read publicly at that time.
Village of Gurnee Village Hall, 325 N. O’Plaine Rd, Gurnee, Illinois 60031
The project includes the removal of an existing air handling unit, exterior condensing unit, mixing boxes, and pneumatic controls. A new air handling unit and exterior condensing unit, pre-purchased by the Village, will be installed by bidder. In addition, bidder shall purchase and install new variable air volume boxes and building automation system controls as part of a Phase 2 of the project.
- Construction bidding documents (drawings and addenda) will be distributed via the Village of Gurnee’s FTP site, DemandStar Prospective Bidders are urged to register with the designated website as a plan holder, in the event access is not possible, please contact Jodi Luka via email All official notifications, addenda, and other Bidding Documents will be offered through the designated website. Neither Owner nor Engineer will be responsible for Bidding Documents, including addenda, if any, obtained from sources other than the designated website or through communication per above with Village designee.
- It will be the bidder’s responsibility to verify any addenda via the Village’s website. Addenda will be posted to the Village’s Transparency Portal.
- Only the Bid Forms attached hereto shall be used. Bid forms shall be filled out in their entirety, no carry over bids will be accepted.
- Contractor shall not pay less than the prevailing rates of wages to all laborers, workmen, and mechanics performing work under this contract, and shall comply with the requirements of the Illinois Wages of Employees on Public Works Act (820 ILCS 130/1-12).
Plan Holders List
Summary of Bids
Sealed proposals for the improvement described below will be received at the office of the Village of Gurnee, Engineering, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, until 10:00 A.M., September 5th, 2023. Proposals will be opened and read publicly at that time.
“Keith and Atlantic Avenue Storm Sewer”
The project is located through 3507 Keith Ave. and 3520 Atlantic Ave. between Keith Ave. and Atlantic Ave. in the Village of Gurnee, County of Lake, in the NE ¼ of Section 13 Township 45 North, Range 11 East.
Clay pipe to be abandoned and replaced with RCP.
1. Plans and proposal forms will be available in the office of the Village of Gurnee, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, for a non-refundable cost of $25.
2. Only the Bid Forms attached hereto shall be used. Bid forms shall be filled out in their entirety, no carry over bids will be accepted.
3. The awarding authority reserves the right to waive technicalities and to reject any or all proposals as provided in Check Sheet LRS 6 of the “Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions,” prepared by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
4. Contractor shall not pay less than the prevailing rates of wages to all laborers, workmen, and mechanics performing work under this contract, and shall comply with the requirements of the Illinois Wages of Employees on Public Works Act (820 ILCS 130/1-12).
Summary of Bids (09/05/2023)
Plan Holders List (9/01/2023)
Addendum No. 2 (08/28/2023)
Addendum No. 1 (08/21/2023)
Notice to Bidders (08/21/2023)
Proposal Acceptance Date Extended to August 1, 2023 at 1:00 PM
Sealed proposals for the improvement described below will be received at the office of the Village of Gurnee, Public Works, 1151 Kilbourne Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, until 1:00 PM on August 1, 2023.
Proposals will be opened and read publicly at that time.
“Village of Gurnee Public Works Material Bin Reconstruction Project”
The project is located at 1151 Kilbourne Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031.
Work will include construction of a material bin storage structure composed of foundation, concrete walls, steel beams, roofing, lighting, etc.
- Plans and bid documents will be available in the office of the Village of Gurnee, 1151 Kilbourne Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, or by request, via email to
- It will be the bidder’s responsibility to verify any addenda via the Village’s website. Addenda will be posted to the Village’s Transparency Portal.
- The awarding authority reserves the right to waive technicalities and to reject any or all proposals as provided in Check Sheet LRS 6 of the “Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions,” prepared by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
- Contractor shall not pay less than the prevailing rates of wages to all laborers, workmen, and mechanics performing work under this contract, and shall comply with the requirements of the Illinois Wages of Employees on Public Works Act (820 ILCS 130/1-12).
Addendum No. 4 (07/28/2023)
Addendum No. 3 (07/27/2023)
Planholders List (07/19/2023)
Addendum No. 2 (07/19/2023)
Planholders List (07/14/2023)
Addendum No. 1 (07/14/2023)
Plan Holders List (07/13/2023)
Plan Holders List (07/12/2023)
Download the Bid Notice (06/30/2023)
Please download the following for more information:
Summary of Bids (PDF, 05/30/23)
Plan Holders List (PDF, 05/25/23)
Addendum No. 1 (PDF, 05/01/23)
Bid Notice (PDF)
Sealed proposals for the improvement described below will be received at the office of the Village of Gurnee, Engineering, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, until 10:30 A.M., May 1st, 2023. Proposals will be opened and read publicly at that time.
“2023 RECON #8438”
The reconstruction streets are Waveland Ave. and Lawrence Ave. in Gurnee, IL.
The re-alignment and reconstruction of Lawrence and Waveland Avenues. The improvements include new ditches and culverts along both roads. A new 5 foot side concrete sidewalk will be installed along the west side of Lawrence Avenue from Grand Avenue to Woodlawn Avenue. The improvements also included resurfacing 400 feet of Lawrence Avenue, 180 feet of University Avenue and the alleyway between University Avenue and Woodlawn Avenue.
Please reference the document(s) below for full details:
Summary of Bids (05/03/23)
Plan Holders List (04/27/23)
Notice to Bidders (04/06/23)
Sealed proposals for the improvement described below will be received at the office of the Village of Gurnee, Engineering, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, until 10:30 A.M., April 3rd, 2023.
Proposals will be opened and read publicly at that time.
“2023 MFT Street Maintenance Program #8443”
The project is located at various streets in Gurnee, IL.
Hot-Mix Surf. Rem., Cl.-D Pavement Patching, Leveling Binder, HMA Surface Course, Curb
Sidewalk Rem. & Repl., MH & Inlet Adj., Thermo. Pvmt. Marking, Bridge Scarification, Storm Sewer, and other associated items to complete the improvement.
Please download the Notice to Bidders for complete information and instructions.
Addendum No. 1(03/17/23)
Plan Holders List (03/13/23)
Notice to Bidders (03/06/23)
Addendum No. 2 (03/27/23)
Summary of Bids (04/03/23)
Start date of construction will be dependent on the scheduled last day of classes for Warren Township High School. The project consists of installing approximately 3102 LF ‐ 12” PVC C900 WM, 4 LF ‐ 10” PVC C900 WM, 64 LF ‐ 8” PVC C900 WM, 163 LF ‐ 6” PVC C900 WM, 195 LF‐12” PVC C900 WM installed in 24” Casing, 1 EACH – 12” Pressure Connection in Valve Vault, 7 EACH – 12” Valve in Vault, 2 EACH – 8” Valve in Vault, 5 EACH – 6” Valve in Vault, 1 EACH – 6” Valve in Valve Box, 14 EACH ‐ Fire Hydrant Assembly Complete, 2 EACH – 2” Copper Water Service Reconnections, 18 EACH – 1.5” Copper Water Service Reconnections, 9 EACH – Abandon Existing Valve Vault, 2 EACH – Valve Box Removal, 9 EACH – Fire Hydrant Removal, 9 LF – Remove 6” Storm Sewer with PVC C900, 4 LF – Remove 8” Storm Sewer with PVC C900, 2 EACH – Storm Inlet Removal & Replacement, 25 CY – Undercut/Stabilization Stone, 800 CY – Granular Trench Backfill, 286 SY – HMA Pavement Removal and Replacement, 42 SY – HMA Driveway Removal and Replacement, 3369 SF – Sidewalk Removal and Replacement, 52 LF – 24” Thermoplastic Striping, 238 LF – 12” Thermoplastic Striping, 182 LF – 4” Thermoplastic Striping, LUMP SUM – Lawn Restoration, 58.7 UNITS – Tree Removal, 27 EACH – Storm Inlet Protection, 370 LF – Silt Fence, and all other work necessary to complete the improvements.
Please download the Bid Notice for complete information.
Plan Holders List (03/13/23)
Notice to Bidders (03/01/23)
Addendum No. 1 (03/21/23)
Summary of Bids (03/27/23)
The project consists of installing approximately 1100 LF - 12” PVC C900 WM, 1000 LF - 8” PVC C900 WM, 100 LF - 6” PVC, 7 EACH - Fire Hydrants, 3 Each – 12” Valve in Vaults, 1 EACH – 8” Valve in Vault, 1 EACH – Remove & Replace 12” Valve in Existing Vault, 1 EACH – Remove & Replace 8” Valve in Existing Vault, 27-1.5” water service connection, 1350 FT – Sanitary Sewer Main Lining, CIPP, 27 EACH – Sanitary Sewer Service Lining, CIPP, 230 FT – 12” RCP Storm Sewer, 180 FT – 12” Water Main Quality Storm Sewer, 85 FT – 18” RCP Storm Sewer, 160 FT – 12” PVC SDR-18 Storm Sewer, 175 FT – 18” PVC SDR-18 Storm sewer, 290 FT – 24” Water Main Quality Storm Sewer, 3 EACH – 12” Aluminum Flared End Section, 700 CY – Trench Backfill, 2510 SF – PCC Sidewalk, 3,500 SY - Topsoil Furnish and Place, and all other work necessary to complete the improvements.
Plan Holders List (03/13/23)
Addendum No. 1 (03/22/23)
Summary of Bids (03/27/23)
Please download the Bid Notice for complete information.
Purchase and Delivery of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel
This Invitation for Bids (IFB) is for the purpose of establishing a contract with a qualified vendor to provide gasoline and diesel fuel to the Village of Gurnee Public Works facilities.
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Bidders are to submit one original of their response to this IFB. The bidders are to use the bid forms provided in this packet to submit their bids. The bids will be publicly opened and read with all bidders welcome to attend. Facsimile (FAX) or email bids are not acceptable and will not be considered.
SUBMISSION DATE: November 2, 2022 at 10:30 A.M.
Bids received after the time specified will be returned to the bidder unopened.
Public Works
1151 Kilbourne Road
Gurnee, IL 60031
CONTACT/QUESTIONS: Submit questions to:
Mr. Craig Lambrecht
Fleet Management Administrator
1151 Kilbourne Road
Gurnee, IL 60031
(847) 599-6881
Submission Information:
Opening of Bids: November 2, 2022
Time: 10:30 A.M. local time
Location: Gurnee Public Works
Download the Bid Packet (PDF) for complete information.
Sealed proposals for the improvement described below will be received at the office of the Village of Gurnee, Engineering, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, until 10:30 A.M., August 1st, 2022. Proposals will be opened and read publicly at that time.
“Knowles Road Pedestrian Path Project # 8422”
The project is located along the west side of Knowles Road from Clavey Lane to south side of Rollins Road, then along the south side of Rollins Road to the west side of Scarborough Drive in the Village of Gurnee.
New 8’ wide pedestrian path approximately 1,600 feet in length includes earth excavation, aggregate bases, storm sewers, HMA driveway, HMA pedestrian path, landscaping, and other associated items.
1. Plans and proposal forms will be available in the office of the Village of Gurnee, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, for a non-refundable cost of $25.
2. Only the Bid Forms attached hereto shall be used. Bid forms shall be filled out in their entirety, no carry over bids will be accepted.
3. The awarding authority reserves the right to waive technicalities and to reject any or all proposals as provided in Check Sheet LRS 6 of the “Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions,” prepared by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
4. Contractor shall not pay less than the prevailing rates of wages to all laborers, workmen, and mechanics performing work under this contract, and shall comply with the requirements of the Illinois Wages of Employees on Public Works Act (820 ILCS 130/1-12).
Summary of Bids (PDF, 08/01/22)
Plan Holders List (PDF, 07/28/22)
Addendum No. 1 (PDF, 07/21/22)
Notice to Bidders (PDF)
The project consists of installing approximately 115 LF - 18” DI Storm Culvert, 6 EACH - 18” Aluminum Flared End Sections, , 100 CY – Trench Backfill, 300 SY - Topsoil Furnish and Place, 150 SY – Erosion Control Blanket for Channels, Special, SC150 BN, 150 SY – Erosion Control Blanket (Straw Blanket) and all other work necessary to complete the improvements.
Bid security shall be furnished in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. Bids will be accepted only from Bidders prequalified by the Owner. Contact Daniel Salgado, 847-599-7550 for information regarding this project or prequalification requirements.
1. Construction bidding documents (drawings, specification, and addenda) will be available in the office of the Village of Gurnee, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031 for a non-refundable cost of $50.
2. The Submittal of current IDOT Certificate of Eligibility (Form BC-733) and Affidavit of Availability (Form BC-57) is required as provided for in Check Sheet LRS 6 of the “Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions,” prepared by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
3. All proposals must be accompanied by a proposal guarantee as provided in Check Sheet LRS 6 of the “Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions,” prepared by the Department of Transportation.
4. The awarding authority reserves the right to waive technicalities and to reject any or
all proposals as provided in Check Sheet LRS 6 of the “Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions,” prepared by the Department of Transportation.
5. Contractor shall not pay less than the prevailing rates of wages to all laborers, workmen, and mechanics performing work under this contract, and shall comply with the requirements of the Illinois Wages of Employees on Public Works Act (820 ILCS 130/1-12
For more info, please download:
Summary of Bids (07/18/22)
Plan Holders List (07/08/22)
Notice to Bidders
The earliest start date for this work shall be August 15th, 2022. The project consists of installing approximately 1700 LF - 8” PVC C900 WM, 450 LF - 6” PVC, 5 EACH - Fire Hydrants, 5 Each – 8” Valve in Vaults, 1 EACH – 6” Valve in Vaults, 17-1.5” water service connection, 8” San Sewer – 800 FT, 5 EACH – San. Manholes, 350 FEET – 6” PVC Sanitary Sewer Service, 101 FT – 12” Ductile Iron Culvert, 45 FT – 18” Ductile Iron Culvert, 160 FT – 12” PVC SDR-18 Storm Sewer, 175 FT – 18” PVC SDR-18 Storm sewer, 120 FT – 24” PVC SDR-18 Storm Sewer, 2 EACH - Storm Manholes with Grate, 700 CY – Trench Backfill, 100 SF – PCC Sidewalk, 2,000 SY - Topsoil Furnish and Place, and all other work necessary to complete the improvements.
Bid security shall be furnished in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. Bids will be accepted only from Bidders prequalified by the Owner. Download the Notice to Bidders below for full information. Contact Daniel Salgado, 847-599-7550 for information regarding this project or prequalification requirements.
Summary of Bids (06/28/2022)
Plan Holders List (06/24/2022)
Notice to Bidders
Road District: WARREN
County: LAKE
NOTICE TO BIDDERS Project No. 8428
The project is located Keith Avenue, S. First Street, Oglesby Ave., S. Delany Rd., Elm Rd., Frontage Rd. in the Village of Gurnee.
Reconstruction of HMA road section including pavement removal, pavement milling, removal and disposal of unsuitable material, aggregate bases, HMA binder and surface course, driveway R&R, CC&G and sidewalk R&R, culverts, storm sewers and structures, landscaping, and other associated item.
1. Plans and proposal forms will be available by electronic download at, project #8202551 for a non-refundable $30.00 OR by paper copies at Manhard Consulting, One Overlook Point Suite 290, Lincolnshire, Illinois 60069, for a non-refundable $100.00.
2. IDOT Certification - 005 HMA Paving - Project over 1200 Tons - If Restriction B for HMA Paving unable to Bid on Project per Local Agency.
3. Only the Bid Forms within the bid packet shall be used. Bid forms shall be filled out in their entirety, no carry over bids will be accepted.
4. The awarding authority reserves the right to waive technicalities and to reject any or all proposals as provided in Check Sheet LRS 6 of the “Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions,” prepared by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
5. Contractor shall not pay less than the prevailing rates of wages to all laborers, workmen, and mechanics performing work under this contract, and shall comply with the requirements of the Illinois Wages of Employees on Public Works Act (820 ILCS 130/1-12).
Summary of Bids
Addendum No. 2
Addendum No. 1
Download the Bid Notice
A non-mandatory pre-bid conference will be held for this Project at 10 AM on April 29th, 2022 in Conference Room C at Village Hall, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee IL 60031.
The project consists of 1357 FT – 8” PVC Water Main (Directional Drill), 449 FT – 8” PVC Water Main (Open Cut), 180 LF – 8” PVC Water Main in Casing Pipe, 5 EACH – Water Valve in Vault, 1 EACH – 12” x 8” Pressure Connection with Valve in Vault, 5 EACH – Fire Hydrant Complete, 18 EACH – Water Services, 210 CY – Granular Trench Backfill, 310 SF – PCC Sidewalk Removal and Replacement, 123 FT - Concrete Curb Removal and Replacement, 1,175 SY - Topsoil Furnish and Place, and all other work necessary to complete the improvements
Bid security shall be furnished in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. Bids will be accepted only from Bidders prequalified by the Owner. Contact Nicholas Leach, 847-599-7550 for information regarding this project or prequalification requirements.
Download the Bid Notice for more information.
Summary of Bids (05/09/22)
Plan Holders List (05/04/22)
Plan Holders List (04/26/22)
2022 MFT Street Maintenance Program
Sealed proposals for the improvement described below will be received at the office of the Village of Gurnee, Engineering, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, until 10:30 A.M., March 28th, 2022.
Proposals will be opened and read publicly at that time.
The project is located at various streets in Gurnee, IL.
Hot-Mix Surf. Rem., Cl.-D Pavement Patching, Leveling Binder, HMA Surface Course, Curb Sidewalk Rem. & Repl., MH & Inlet Adj., Thermo. Pvmt. Marking and other associated items to complete the improvement.
1. Plans and bid documents will be available in the office of the Village of Gurnee, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, for a non-refundable cost of $50. Prequalification (IDOT Certification – 005 HMA Paving – Project Over 1200 Tons) will be required to pick up plans
2. Only the Bid Forms attached to the bid packet shall be used. Bid forms shall be filled out in their entirety, no carry over bids will be accepted.
3. It will be the bidder’s responsibility to verify any addenda via the Village’s website. Addenda will be posted to the Village’s Transparency Portal.
4. The awarding authority reserves the right to waive technicalities and to reject any or all proposals as provided in Check Sheet LRS 6 of the “Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions,” prepared by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
5. Contractor shall not pay less than the prevailing rates of wages to all laborers, workmen, and mechanics performing work under this contract, and shall comply with the requirements of the Illinois Wages of Employees on Public Works Act (820 ILCS 130/1-12).
Please download the following documents for complete information.
Summary of Bids (PDF, 03/29/22)
Bid Tabulation (PDF, 03/29/22)
Addendum No. 2 (PDF, 03/18/22)
Plan Holders List (PDF, 03/16/22)
Addendum No. 1 (PDF, 03/16/22)
Notice to Bidders (PDF, 03/9/22)
Instructions to Bidders (PDF, 03/09/22)
Road District: Warren
County: Lake
Sealed proposals labeled “Cemetery Rd Pump Station Roof and Gutter Project” will be received at the office of the Village of Gurnee Public Works, 1151 Kilbourne Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, until 11:00 A.M., January 20, 2022.
“Cemetery Rd Pump Station Roof and Gutter Project”
1. Cemetery Rd Pump Station, 325 N Cemetery Road, Gurnee, Illinois, 60031
Proposed Improvement:
Remove and replace the roof at Cemetery Rd Pump Station located 325 N Cemetery Rd, Gurnee, Illinois.
Bidders Instructions:
1. Request for proposal packets will be available at 1151 Kilbourne Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031 and on our website:
2. A pre-proposal site visit is required. Only Contractors who make the mandatory site visit on Friday, January 14, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. will be allowed to submit proposals for this project.
3. The awarding authority reserves the right to waive technicalities and to reject any or all proposals
Bid Tabulation (January 20, 2022)
Download the Bid Packet for complete information.
Route 21 & Manchester Dr. Flashing Beacon Project, #8421
County: Lake
Local Public Agency: Gurnee
Section Number: N/A
Route: Route 21
Sealed proposals for the improvement described below will be received at the office of the Village of Gurnee, 325 N. O'Plaine Road, Gurnee, IL until 10:30 a.m. on November 30, 2021.
Sealed proposals will be opened and read publicly at the office of the Village Engineer, 325 N. O'Plaine Rd, Gurnee, IL at 10:30 a.m. on November 30, 2021.
Description of Work:
Name: Route 21 & Manchester Dr. Flashing Beacon Project # 8421
Length: 600.00 feet ( miles)
Location: Intersection of Route 21 & Manchester Drive in the Village of Gurnee, Lake County, Illinois
Proposed Improvement: Installation of new flashing beacon traffic signals, underground raceways, handholes, emergency vehicle priority system line sensor, and all other work necessary to complete the improvements.
Please download the following for complete information:
Summary of Bids (11/30/21) (PDF)
Notice to Bidders (PDF)
Bid Packet (PDF)
Project Plans (PDF)
Addendum Questions 8.15.21SCOPE OF PROJECT:
The Village of Gurnee requests qualifications from consultants/firms with appropriate expertise to directly assist the elected officials and Village staff in the update of its multi-year Strategic Plan. The process will culminate in the development of a workable plan by defining key issues, strategies and objectives for the next three to five years.
- Written Inquiries Accepted – August 1st – August 15th, 2021
- Written Response to Inquiries Posted to – August 16th, 2021
- Statement of Qualifications Due Date – August 31st, 2021
- Short Listed Consultants/Firms Interviews – Week of September 20th, 2021(approximate)
- Evaluation Team Selects Consultant/Firm – Week of October 4th, 2021 (approximate)
- Recommendation of Award to Board – October 18th, 2021
Respondents will directly assist the Village Board and senior management of the Village of Gurnee in updating the Strategic Plan. The project seeks to identify the most significant issues and challenges facing the organization, major strategic initiatives, measurable objectives and actions and/or strategies to achieve the objectives. Specific requirements include, but are not limited to:
Phase I:
- Work with executive leadership to outline the Strategic Plan development process.
- Develop a road map/time line for accomplishment of all responsibilities.
- Organize and facilitate community focus groups to assist in updating the plan.
Phase II:
- Organize and facilitate meetings with the Village Board and senior staff members to review Mission Statement, Core Values, Village-wide Goals as well as solicit feedback on operational concerns or areas of needed focus.
- Assist staff in finalizing goals, objectives, strategies and performance targets related to objectives.
- Assist staff in developing communication strategies and methods.
- Publish the Strategic Planning Document.
- Provide input for 6 month evaluation, 12 month and 18 month staff action planning.
Throughout the process, the Village shall:
- Provide to the consultant all the information in its possession which is necessary for the completion of a Strategic Plan document. This includes organizational charts, elected officials’ background information, survey results, etc.
- Assist the consultant in setting meetings with the public, Village Board, senior management and departmental representatives as necessary for the completion of the Strategic Plan.
- Review and provide input/feedback on all drafts, studies, results, reports, proposals, and any other documents submitted by the consultant.
- Designate a person(s) to act as the representative of the department with respect to the work performed herewith. Said person(s) shall have authority to transmit instructions, receive information and interpret and explain Village policies and decisions with respect to services to be performed by the consultant.
Five (5) copies resumes or professional qualification statements of the key persons that will be working on this project shall be submitted by August 31, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. to the following address:
Village of Gurnee
Strategic Planning Initiative
325 N. O’Plaine Road
Gurnee, IL 60031
An experience statement for the consultant/firm with examples of similar projects completed by the assigned staff and a listing of references for each of these projects is also required.
The following items will be considered when evaluating the consultants:
- Professional qualification.
- Experience with developing a strategic plan at the municipal level.
- Experience with working with governmental organizations and community groups in workshop settings.
- Ability to analyze, organize and present data.
- Overall cost.
Individuals requiring further information should contact:
Jack Linehan
Assistant Village Administrator
All questions posed by prospective bidders must be submitted by August 15th. Answers to the questions will be posted at as an addendum to the bid on August 16th.
The Village of Gurnee will accept sealed proposals for the installation of an 18 kVA generator to be located at the Heather Ridge Water Tower at 5761 Manchester Drive, Gurnee. Proposals will be accepted until 10:30 AM on August 24, 2021, and at that time, will be publicly opened and read. Proposals are to be sealed and marked “HEATHER RIDGE WATER TOWER STANDBY GENERATOR - SEALED BID” and delivered to Public Works Director at 1151 Kilbourne Road, Gurnee, IL 60031.
The project includes the installation of the following: 18 kVA natural gas generator with enclosure, automatic transfer switch with built-in load center, concrete pad and rewiring the existing electrical circuitry into the new load center. Also installation of a 30 amp main disconnect with ten (10), fifteen (15) amp individual breakers installed in a new load center with cover and correctly mounted to the wall so that the panel is level and plumb. All breakers shall be clearly labeled. This project also includes the removal of an existing load center, manual transfer switch, etc. that shall be returned to the Village.
Beginning July 26, 2021, detailed specifications for the HEATHER RIDGE WATER TOWER STANDBY GENERATOR can be obtained at Gurnee Public Works Department, 1151 Kilbourne Road, Gurnee, IL 60031. A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 11, 2021, at 10:00 AM at the Heather Ridge Water Tower at 5761 Manchester Drive, Gurnee. Contact Director of Public Works, Heather L. Galan, for information at (847) 599-6800.
The Village Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any proposal for failure to comply with all of the requirements of this notice or any proposal documents; however, it may waive any minor defects or informalities at its discretion.
The Village Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to award a contract which, in its judgment, is in the best interest of the Village of Gurnee.
Download the following document(s) for more info:
Addendum No. 1 (08/16/21)
RFP Packet (07/26/2021)
Municipality: Village of Gurnee
County: LAKE
TIME AND PLACE OF OPENING OF BIDS: Sealed proposals for the improvement described below will be received at the office of the Village of Gurnee, Public Works, 1151 Kilbourne Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, until 10:30 A.M., August 5th, 2021. Proposals will be opened and read publicly at that time.
DESCRIPTION OF WORK: “Gurnee Public Works Main Building Garage Floor Trench Drain Replacement”
LOCATION: The project is located at 1151 Kilbourne Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031.
PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT: Work will include televising, sewer cleaning, repairing deficiencies, and repairing 135 foot trench drainage.
1. Plans and bid documents will be available in the office of the Village of Gurnee, 1151 Kilbourne Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, or by request, via email to
2. It will be the bidder’s responsibility to verify any addenda via the Village’s website. Addenda will be posted to the Village’s Transparency Portal.
3. The awarding authority reserves the right to waive technicalities and to reject any or all proposals as provided in Check Sheet LRS 6 of the “Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions,” prepared by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
4. Contractor shall not pay less than the prevailing rates of wages to all laborers, workmen, and mechanics performing work under this contract, and shall comply with the requirements of the Illinois Wages of Employees on Public Works Act (820 ILCS 130/1-12).
By Order Of The: Village of Gurnee (Awarding Authority) Andy Harris / Village Clerk Published in Daily Herald July 14, 2021 (4566861)
Garage Plumbing Plan (07/23/2021)
Bid Information (07/23/2021)
Please download the following for complete information:
Summary of Bids (07/27/2021)
Addendum No. 4 (07/21/21)
Addendum No. 3 (07/21/21)
Addendum No. 2 (07/21/21)
Addendum No. 1 (07/21/21)
Plan Holders List (07/16/21)
Notice to Bidders (07/06/21)
Cemetery Road Communication Tower #8406
Sealed proposals for the improvement described below will be received at the office of the Village of Gurnee, Engineering, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, until 10:30 A.M., July 12th, 2021.
Proposals will be opened and read publicly at that time.
The project is located at 325 N. Cemetery Road, Gurnee, IL
Proposed installation of new 90’-0” communication tower with associated antennas.
- Plans and bid documents will be available in the office of the Village of Gurnee, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, for a non-refundable cost of $25 or, by request, via email to
- Only the Bid Forms attached hereto shall be used. Bid forms shall be filled out in their entirety, no carry over bids will be accepted.
- It will be the bidder’s responsibility to verify any addenda via the Village’s website. Addenda will be posted to the Village’s Transparency Portal.
- The awarding authority reserves the right to waive technicalities and to reject any or all proposals as provided in Check Sheet LRS 6 of the “Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions,” prepared by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
- Contractor shall not pay less than the prevailing rates of wages to all laborers, workmen, and mechanics performing work under this contract, and shall comply with the requirements of the Illinois Wages of Employees on Public Works Act (820 ILCS 130/1-12).
Plan Holders List (July 7th, 2021)
Notice To Bidders (June 28th, 2021)
The project is located at 4609 & 4625 Old Grand Avenue, Gurnee, IL
Demo of two buildings off Old Grand Avenue located in the Floodplain. Work will included: removal of two buildings, parking lot pavement, foundations, site grading, site restoration, curb & gutter R&R, sidewalk, driveway removal, and all other necessary work to complete project.
1. Plans and bid forms will be available on the Village’s Website under the Government Transparency Portal or at the office of the Village of Gurnee, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, for a non-refundable cost of $25 (hard copies).
2. Only the Bid Forms within the bid documents for the project shall be used. Bid forms shall be filled out in their entirety, no carry over bids will be accepted.
3. It will be the bidder’s responsibility to verify any addenda via the Village’s website. Addenda will be posted to the Village’s Transparency Portal.
4. The awarding authority reserves the right to waive technicalities and to reject any or all proposals as provided in Check Sheet LRS 6 of the “Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions,” prepared by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
5. Contractor shall not pay less than the prevailing rates of wages to all laborers, workmen, and mechanics performing work under this contract, and shall comply with the requirements of the Illinois Wages of Employees on Public Works Act (820 ILCS 130/1-12).
Please download the following for complete information:
Summary of Bids (07/02/21)
BID TAB PROJECT 8413 DEMO 4609 & 4625 OLD GRAND (6/29/21)
Pre-Construction Meeting Questions (06/17/21)
Addendum No. 1 (06/10/21)
Bid Packet (06/07/21)
Notice to Bidders (06/10/21)
Sealed bids for the Water main and storm sewer improvements Waveland Avenue project in Village of Gurnee, Illinois, will be received until 10:30 AM on April 12th, 2021 at the office of the Civil Engineer of the Village of Gurnee, 325 N. O’Plaine Road Gurnee, IL 60031, at which time the bids will be publicly opened.
The project consists of installing approximately 875 FT – 8” PVC Water Main, 10 FT – 6” PVC Water Main, 2 EACH – Water Valve in Vault, 3 EACH – Fire Hydrant Complete, 190 FT – 36” RCCP Storm sewer, 300 CY – Trench Backfill, 900 SF – PCC Sidewalk, 2,100 SY - Topsoil Furnish and Place, and all other work necessary to complete the improvements.
Bid security shall be furnished in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. Bids will be accepted only from Bidders prequalified by the Owner. Contact Daniel Salgado, 847-599-7550 for information regarding this project or prequalification requirements.
The General Contractor will need provide a $500,000 Drainage prequalification certificate from Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) in order to pick up the bid documents and plans.
For full details, please download the following:
Summary of Bids (04/12/21)
Plan Holders List (04/09/21)
Plan Holders List (03/29/21)
Bid Notice: Waveland Avenue Project #8394 (03/23/21)
2021 Street Maintenance Program #8414
County: Lake
Local Public Agency: Gurnee
Route: Various
Sealed proposals for the improvements described below will be received at the office of the Village Engineer, 325 N. O'Plaine Rd., until 10:30 a.m. on April 5, 2021.
Sealed proposals will be opened and read publicly at the office of the Village Engineer, 325 N. O'Plaine Rd., at 10:30 a.m. on April 5, 2021.
Please download the the documents below for complete information.
Summary of Bids (04/05/21)
Addendum #2 (03/30/21)
Plan Holders List (03/23/21)
Plan Holders List (03/12/21)
Instructions to Bidders (03/08/21)
Notice to Bidders (03/08/21)
Request for Proposals:
Janitorial Cleaning Services at
Gurnee Public Works
1151 Kilbourne Road
Village Hall
325 N. O’Plaine Road
BID OPENED FEBRUARY 25th at 10:30 a.m.
Sealed proposals for the improvement described below will be received at the office of Village of Gurnee, 325 N. O'Plaine Road, until 10:30 AM on Tuesday, January 26, 2021. Sealed proposals will be opened and read public at the office of the Village Engineer at that time.
Summary of Bids as Corrected (Added 1/27/21)
Summary of Bids as Read (Added 1/27/21)
Addendum No. 1 (Added 1/19/21)
Addendum No. 2 (Added 1/21/21)
Plan Holders List as of 01/19/2021 (Added 1/19/21)
Download the Bid Notice for more information.
Request for Proposal
Bittersweet Club House Roof Project
Municipality: Village of Gurnee
Road District: Warren
County: Lake
Project No. GOLF ROOF
Sealed proposals labeled “Bittersweet Roof Project” will be received at the office of the Village of Gurnee, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, until 11:00 A.M., August 10, 2020.
Proposals will be reviewed by staff and a recommendation to the Village Board of Trustees will be made at the August 17, 2020 Village Board meeting.
Please download the following for more information:
Summary of Bids (08/10/2020)
Notice to Bidders: Bittersweet Club House Roof Project
Instructions to Bidders: 2020 Bittersweet Roof Project
2020 Gurnee Fire Station Number 3
County: Lake
Local Public Agency: Gurnee
Sealed bids will be received on July 30, 2020 until 10:00 AM at the main entrance of Camosy Construction, located at 43451 N. US Highway 41 Zion, IL 60099.
The bids will be publicly opened and read at Camosy Construction, 43451 N. US Highway 41, Zion, IL 60099 on Thursday, July 30, 2020 starting at 2:00 PM. Contractors may only attend the bid opening via video conference.
Notice To Bidders Fire Station 3
2020 Street Maintenance Project #8403
County: Lake
Local Public Agency: Gurnee
Section Number: Gurnee No. 8043
Route: Various
Sealed proposals and improvements described below will be received at the office of the Village Engineer, 325 N. O'Plaine Rd. until 10:30 a.m. on April 9, 2020.
Sealed proposals will be opened and read publicly at the office of the Village Engineer, 325 N. O'Plaine Rd at 10:30 a.m. on April 9, 2020.
IDOT Prequalification - Certificate of Eligibility required: 005 HMA Paving over 1200 Tons - If Restriction B for HMA Paving unable to Bid on Project per Local Agency.
Please download the following for full information:
Summary of Bids (April 9, 2020)
Plan Holders List (April 1, 2020)
Bid Notice
Instructions to Bidders
Sealed bids for the Old Grand Avenue Water Main Replacement Phase I project in Village of Gurnee, Illinois, will be received until 10:30 AM on March 26th, 2020 at the office of the Assistant Village Engineer of the Village of Gurnee, 325 N. O’Plaine Road Gurnee, IL 60031, at which time the bids will be publicly opened.
The project consists of installing approximately 1,900 FT – 12” PVC Water Main, 420 FT – 8” PVC Water Main, 60 FT – 6” PVC Water Main, 190 FT – 10” HDPE Water Main (Directional Drill), 10 EACH – Water Valve in Vault, 6 EACH – Fire Hydrant Complete, 2,800 CY – Granular Trench Backfill, 4,000 SF – PCC Sidewalk, 650 FT Concrete Curb, 1,500 SY - Topsoil Furnish and Place, and all other work necessary to complete the improvements.
Bid security shall be furnished in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders.
Bids will be accepted only from Bidders prequalified by the Owner. Contact Nicholas Leach, 847-599-7550 for information regarding this project or prequalification requirements.
The General Contractor will need to provide a $750,000 Drainage prequalification certificate from Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) in order to pick up the bid documents and plans.
Please download the Bid Notice for full details.
Summary of Bids (03/26/2020)
Plan Holders List (03/18/2020)
Plan Holders List (03/10/2020)
Bid Notice
Village of Gurnee, 325 N. O'Plaine Road until10:30 AM on March 19, 2020.
Sealed proposals will be opened and read publicly at the office of the Village Engineer at 325 N. O'Plaine Road, Gurnee, IL at 10:30 AM on March 19, 2020
Name: 2020 Roadway Rehabilitation - Ferndale St-Project #8401
Length: 1800.00 feet (0.34 miles)
Location: Ferndale Street (Grand Ave - US Rte. 41)
Proposed Improvement: Reconstructing HMA roadway section including; Earth Excavation, Aggregate Bases, HMA Binder and Surface Crse, HMA Driveway Rem & Repl., Landscaping, Traffic Control and other associated items)
Plans and proposal forms will be available in the office of Village of Gurnee - Village Engineer at 325 N. O' Plaine Road, Gurnee, IL 60031 for a Non-Refundable cost of $100. IDOT Prequalification Requirement - 001 Earthwork - $500,000
Please download the Notice to Bidders and Instruction to Bidders for complete information.
Summary of Bids (March 19, 2020)
Plan Holders List (March 10, 2020)
Plan Holders List (March 2, 2020)
Notice to Bidders
Instructions to Bidders
The Village of Gurnee will accept sealed proposals for voice and data networking equipment. Proposals will be accepted until 3:00 PM on March 9, 2020 and at that time will be publicly opened and read. Proposals are to be sealed and marked “2020 NETWORK EQUIPMENT PROJECT” and delivered to the office of the Village Administrator at 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, IL.
Beginning February 20, 2020 detailed specifications for the voice and data networking equipment requirements can be obtained at the Gurnee Village Hall at 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, IL 60031 or RFP Contact: Chris Velkover 847-599-7531,
The Village Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any proposal for failure to comply with all the requirements of this notice or any proposal documents; however, it may waive any minor defects or informalities at its discretion.
The Village Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, and to award a contract which, in its judgment, is in the best interest of the Village of Gurnee.
Bid Packet
Legal Notice
Sealed proposals for the improvement described below will be received at the office of the Village of Gurnee, Engineering, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, until 10:30 A.M., February 10th, 2020. Proposals will be opened and read publicly at that time.
Please download the Notice to Bidders and Bid Packet for more information.
- Summary of Bids (02/10/20)
- Plan Holders List (02/04/20)
- Plan Holders List (01/28/20)
- Notice to Bidders
- Bid Packet
Download the Bid Packet
Purchase and Delivery of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel
This Invitation for Bids (IFB) is for the purpose of establishing a contract with a qualified vendor to provide gasoline and diesel fuel to the Village of Gurnee Public Works facilities.
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Bidders are to submit one original of their response to this IFB. The bidders are to use the bid forms provided in this packet to submit their bids. The bids will be publicly opened and read with all bidders welcome to attend. Facsimile (FAX) or email bids are not acceptable and will not be considered.
SUBMISSION DATE: November 12, 2019 at 10:30 A.M.
Bids received after the time specified will be returned to the bidder unopened
Village of Gurnee Public Works
1151 Kilbourne Road
Gurnee, IL 60031
CONTACT/QUESTIONS: Submit questions to:
Mr. Craig Lambrecht
Fleet Management Administrator
1151 Kilbourne Road
Gurnee, IL 60031
(847) 599-6881
RFP 2019 Mobile Computer Replacement Project
The Village of Gurnee will accept sealed proposals for purchase of mobile computers, including various associated mounting hardware. Proposals will be accepted until 10:30 AM on August 23rd, 2019 and at that time will be publicly opened and read.Proposals are to be sealed and marked “2019 MOBILE COMPUTER REPLACEMENT PROJECT RFP” and delivered to the office of the Village Administrator at 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, IL.
Beginning August 6th, 2019 detailed specifications for the mobile computer equipment including various associated mounting hardware can be obtained at the Gurnee Village Hall at 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, IL 60031. Contact Chris Velkover for further information at (847) 599-7531
This project entails the purchase of various computer hardware. The successful proposer must be an authorized reseller/distributor for the provided items. The RFP enumerates specific manufacturers and model numbers for the equipment.
Any proposal received after the time and date specified shall not be considered.
The Village Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any proposal for failure to comply with all the requirements of this notice or any proposal documents; however, it may waive any minor defects or informalities at its discretion.
The Village Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, and to award a contract which, in its judgment, is in the best interest of the Village of Gurnee.
Legal Notice
RFP 2019 Police Mobile Computer Replacement Project
Delany Road Water Main Improvement - Summary of Bids (08-12-19)
Plan Holders List (08/05/19)
Instructions to Bidders - Delany Road Watermain Project #8386
2019 SAN RFP - Village of Gurnee (pdf)
2019 SAN RFP - Attachments (doc)
2019 SANS RFP - Attachments (pdf) (This file is a PDF of the file Word doc above)
Server Storage Replacement RFP RESULTS
The Village of Gurnee will accept sealed proposals for purchase of Storage Area Network equipment in support of a Virtual Server Environment including various associated hardware and software. Proposals will be accepted until 10:30 AM on January 21, 2019 and at that time will be publicly opened and read. Proposals are to be sealed and marked “2019 SERVER STORAGE REPLACEMENT PROJECT RFP” and delivered to the office of the Village Administrator at 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, IL.
Beginning January 8, 2019 detailed specifications for the Storage Area Network equipment including various associated hardware and software can be obtained at the Gurnee Village Hall at 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, IL 60031. Contact Chris Velkover for further information at (847) 599-7531 or
This project entails the purchase of various hardware and software. The successful proposer must be an authorized reseller/distributor for the provided items.
Any proposal received after the time and date specified shall not be considered.
The Village Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any proposal for failure to comply with all the requirements of this notice or any proposal documents; however, it may waive any minor defects or informalities at its discretion.
The Village Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, and to award a contract which, in its judgment, is in the best interest of the Village of Gurnee.
Full Bid Packet
Plan Holders List
Project No. 8372 - Summary of Bids
Sealed proposals for the improvement described below will be received at the office of the Village of Gurnee, Engineering Department, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, until 10:30 A.M., January 24, 2019. Proposals will be opened and read publicly at that time.
“Hunt Club Road Water Main Extension” Project # 8372
Hunt Club Road from Wentworth Drive to Wildflower Lane in the Village of Gurnee, County of Lake, in the NW ¼ of Section 28 and the SW ¼ of Section 21 Township 45 North, Range 11 East.
Improvements include; installation and testing of water mains and appurtenances, in addition to new sidewalk along route. The improvement includes the following approximate items: 1700 FT - 8” PVC Water Main (Directional Drill), 550 FT - 8” PVC Water Main (Open-Cut), 4 EACH – Water Valve in Vault, 6 EACH – Fire Hydrant Complete, 240 FT -Various Storm Sewer, 725 CY – Granular Trench Backfill, 12500 SF – PCC Sidewalk, 270 FT Concrete Curb, 1750 SY Topsoil Furnish and Place, and all other work necessary to complete the improvements.
1. Plans and proposal forms will be available in the office of the Village of Gurnee, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031 for a non-refundable cost of $50.
2. The Submittal of current IDOT Certificate of Eligibility (Form BC-733) and Affidavit of Availability (Form BC-57) is required as provided for in Check Sheet LRS 6 of the “Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions,” prepared by the Department of Transportation.
3. All proposals must be accompanied by a proposal guarantee as provided in Check Sheet LRS 6 of the “Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions,” prepared by the Department of Transportation.
4. The awarding authority reserves the right to waive technicalities and to reject any or all proposals as provided in Check Sheet LRS 6 of the “Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions,” prepared by the Department of Transportation.
Addendum No. 2
Addendum No. 1
Download Bid Packet
Sealed proposals for the improvement described below will be received at the office of the Village of Gurnee, Engineering Department, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, until 10:30 A.M., September 12th, 2018.
Proposals will be opened and read publicly at that time.
“Delivery Station Storm and Sanitary Sewer”
Project # 8217
The location of the proposed work is located on Almond Road near Bittersweet’s Golf Course Maintenance Shed (865 Almond Road).
Improvements include the installation of approximately 221 feet of 12” PVC SDR 26 Storm Sewer, storm sewer inlets, 70 feet of 6” PVC SDR 26 Sanitary Sewer, Sanitary Sewer Manholes, trench backfill, Triple Catch Basin, and all other work necessary to complete the improvements.
1. Plans and proposal forms will be available in the office of the Village of Gurnee, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031 for free.
2. Only the bid forms attached hereto shall be used. Bid forms shall be filled out in their entirety, no carry over bids will be accepted.
3. All proposals must be accompanied by a proposal guarantee as provided in Check Sheet LRS 6 of the “Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions,” prepared by the Department of Transportation.
4. The awarding authority reserves the right to waive technicalities and to reject any or all proposals as provided in Check Sheet LRS 6 of the “Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions,” prepared by the Department of Transportation.
Download Bid Packet
Addendum No. 1
Download the Bid Packet
Sealed proposals for the improvement described below will be received at the office of the Village of Gurnee, Engineering Department, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, until 10:30 A.M., September 11th, 2018.
Proposals will be opened and read publicly at that time.
“Chelsey Crossing Drainage Improvements”
Project # 8375
The location of the proposed work is located off Hunt Club Road within the Chelsey Crossing Subdivision.
Improvements include approximately 700 cubic feet of earth excavation, 80 square yards of pavement removal and replace, 85 feet of curb removal, sanitary manhole adjustment, storm sewer manhole adjustment, and all other work necessary to complete the improvements.
1. Plans and proposal forms will be available in the office of the Village of Gurnee, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031 for free.
2. Only the bid forms attached hereto shall be used. Bid forms shall be filled out in their entirety, no carry over bids will be accepted.
3. All proposals must be accompanied by a proposal guarantee as provided in Check Sheet LRS 6 of the “Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions,” prepared by the Department of Transportation.
4. The awarding authority reserves the right to waive technicalities and to reject any or all proposals as provided in Check Sheet LRS 6 of the “Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions,” prepared by the Department of Transportation.
Download the Bid Packet
Download the Bid Packet
Various locations in Gurnee.
Improvements include on-call landscape restoration such as fine grading, topsoil, seeding or sodding, and erosion control matting throughout the Village of Gurnee for fiscal year 2019 and 2020. The Village’s fiscal year starts May 1st and ends April 30th. Contract unit prices will be good until April 30th, 2020.
1. Proposal forms will be available in the office of the Village of Gurnee, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031 for free.
2. It is the policy of the State of Illinois that a wage of no less than the general prevailing hourly rate as paid for work of a similar character in the locality in which the work is performed, shall be paid to all laborers, workers and mechanics employed by or on behalf of any and all public bodies engaged in public works in accordance to the Prevailing Wage Act.
3. The awarding authority reserves the right to waive technicalities and to reject any or all proposals as provided in Check Sheet LRS 6 of the “Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions,” prepared by the Department of Transportation. The contractor is not required to provide a proposal guarantee in accordance to LRS 6.
Download the Bid Packet
Roof Addendum
Download the Bid Packet
Sealed proposals for the improvement described below will be received at the office of the Village of Gurnee, Engineering Division, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, until 10:30 A.M., August 30th, 2018. Proposals will be opened and read publicly at that time.
“Village Hall Roof Replacement”
325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031
Improvements include the replacement of the Village Hall roof at the above location. The replacement consist of approximately 22,669 Square Feet of shingles and 225 Square Feet of gravel surfaced roof. Improvement is expected to begin near mid-September.
1. Plans and proposal forms will be available in the office of the Village of Gurnee, 325 N. O’Plaine Road,
Gurnee, Illinois 60031 for free.
2. Proposals do not need to be accompanied by a proposal guarantee as provided in Check Sheet LRS 6 of
the “Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions,” prepared by the Department of
3. A wage of no less than the general prevailing hourly rate for work of a similar character in the locality in
which the work is performed, shall be paid to all laborers, workers and mechanics employed as is
according to the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act (/820 ILCS 130).
4. The awarding authority reserves the right to waive technicalities and to reject any or all proposals as
provided in Check Sheet LRS 6 of the “Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions,” prepared by the Department of Transportation.
Download the Bid Packet
2019 Fuel Bid Tabulation
Purchase and Delivery of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel
This Invitation for Bids (IFB) is for the purpose of establishing a contract with a qualified vendor to provide gasoline and diesel fuel to the Village of Gurnee Public Works facilities.
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Bidders are to submit one original of their response to this IFB. The bidders are to use the bid forms provided in this packet to submit their bids. The bids will be publicly opened and read with all bidders welcome to attend. Facsimile (FAX) or email bids are not acceptable and will not be considered.
SUBMISSION DATE: Tuesday, November 8, 2018 at 10:30 A.M.
Bids received after the time specified will be returned to the bidder unopened
Village Hall
325 N. O'Plaine Road
Gurnee, IL 60031
CONTACT/QUESTIONS: Submit questions to:
Mr. Craig Lambrecht
Fleet Management Administrator
1151 Kilbourne Road
Gurnee, IL 60031
(847) 599-6881
FY 2019
Sealed proposals for the improvement described below will be received at the office of the Village of Gurnee, Engineering Division, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, until 11:00 A.M., July 10, 2018. Proposals will be opened and read publicly at that time.
Bid Opening: July 10, 2018
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Place: Village of Gurnee
325 N. O’Plaine Road
Gurnee, Illinois 60031
(847) 599-7550
Summary of Bids
Download the Bid Packet for more information.
“East Grand Avenue Landscape Improvements Phase II”
Project # 8380
Grand Avenue (IL-132) from Waveland Avenue to Lawrence Avenue.
Scope of work includes approximately 1,200 sq. yards of landscaping including: herbicide treatment, sod removal, perennial and shrub furnishing and installation, maintenance, and all other work necessary to complete the improvements.
Bid Opening: July 10, 2018
Time: 11:30 A.M.
Place: Village of Gurnee
325 N. O’Plaine Road
Gurnee, Illinois 60031
(847) 599-7550
Summary of Bids
Download the Bid Packet for more information.
Notice to Bidders
Location: 4580 Old Grand Ave., Gurnee, IL 60031
Proposed Improvement:
Improvements include the replacement of Fire Station #1 and Well #1’s flat roofs at the above location. The replacements consist of approximately 17,333 Square Feet at Fire House #1 and approximately 633 Square Feet at Well #1. Improvement is expected to begin on or about August 1st.
Bid Opening: July 10th, 2018
Time: 10:30 A.M.
Place: Village of Gurnee
325 N. O’Plaine Road
Gurnee, Illinois 60031
(847) 599-7550
Summary of Bids
Download the Bid Packet for more information
Bid Results (06-26-18)
The Village of Gurnee, Illinois, will receive sealed Bids for the Pressure Zone 5 Improvements until 10 a.m., local time, June 26, 2018, at 325 North O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, at which time the Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.
The Work includes construction of a booster pump station with foundation and related appurtenances, connecting 16-inch-diameter water main, and furnishing and installing two prefabricated steel pressure-reducing valve stations at two other locations in the Village.
Bids are to be addressed to the Village of Gurnee, 325 North O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, and shall be marked “Sealed Bid–Pressure Zone 5 Improvements–Contract 2-2017.”
Complete digital Project Bidding Documents are available at or at Download the digital Bidding Documents for $35 by inputting Quest project number 5748106 on the website’s Project Search page. Please contact at (952) 233‑1632 or for assistance with free membership registration, downloading, and working with this digital project information.
Download the Bid Packet for more information.Bid Packet
The Village of Gurnee, Illinois, will receive sealed Bids for the Knowles Road Elevated Water Tank. until 10:30 A.M., local time, June 7, 2018, at 325 North O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, at which time the Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.
The Work includes construction of a two-million-gallon elevated water storage tank with foundation and related appurtenances, connecting 12-inch-diameter water main, driveway and minor access to Rollins Road, and miscellaneous site work and restoration.
Bids are to be addressed to the Village of Gurnee, 325 North O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, and shall be marked “Sealed Bid–Knowles Road Elevated Water Tank–Contract 1-2017.”
Download the RFP Packet
The Village of Gurnee will accept proposals for maintenance of landscape beds located on IL Route 132 (Grand Avenue) between Waveland Avenue and Lawrence Avenue in the Village of Gurnee. Proposals will be accepted until May 1, 2018, 10:00 AM.Proposals are to be marked “EAST GRAND AVENUE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE” and delivered to 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, IL.
The project includes the twice-weekly maintenance of existing landscape beds planted with perennial plantings.
Beginning April 17, 2018 detailed specifications for this work can be obtained at the Gurnee Village Hall at 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, IL 60031.
The Village Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any proposal for failure to comply with all the requirements of this notice or any proposal documents; however, it may waive any minor defects or informalities at its discretion.
The Village Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, and to award a contract which, in its judgment, is in the best interest of the Village of Gurnee.
Please download the RFP Packet for more information and instructions.
Summary of Bids
Plan Holders List
Download Bid Notice/Instructions Here
Name: 2018 Street Maintenance Program - Gurnee Project # 8363
Length: 17,100 feet (3.24 miles)
Location: Various locations within the corporate limits of the Village of Gurnee, Lake County, Illinois.
Proposed Improvement: Hot-Mix Surf,. Rem, Cl.-D Pavement Patching, Leveling Binder, HMA Surface Course, Curb Sidewalk Rem. & Repl., MH & Inlet Adj., Thermo. Pvmt. Marking and other associated items to complete the improvements.
1. Plans and proposal forms will be available in the office of
Village of Gurnee – Village Engineer at 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, IL 60031 for a Non-Refundable cost of $50. (847) 599-7550
Improvements include the installation of water mains and appurtenances. This improvement includes the following approximate items: 88 LF of sixteen-inch (16”) PVC water main and 150 LF of twelve-inch (12”) PVC water main, valve vaults, non-pressure connections to existing water mains, and all other work necessary to complete the improvements.
Improvements include directional drilling approximately 3,000 feet of four inch (4”) HDPE with inner ducts and 1,000 feet of two inch (2”) HDPE conduit, 5,825 feet of 24-strand fiber optic cable, Hubble Quazite Handholes, locate pedestal, all necessary equipment for connections and termination, restoration, and all other work necessary to complete the improvements.
Notice to Bidders
Sealed proposals for the improvement described below will be received at the office of the Village of Gurnee, Engineering Department, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, until 10:30 A.M., January 24th, 2018. Proposals will be opened and read publicly at that time.
Please download both of the attached documents for instructions on bid submittals.
Notice to Bidders Water Main and Sanitary Improvements, Highland Avenue (posted 01/15/2018)
Notice to Bidders Highland Ave Addendum 2 (posted January 22, 2018)
Notice to Bidders Highland Ave Addendum 3 (posted January 22, 2018)
Summary of Bids (posted January 24, 2018)
- Summary of Bids: IL Route 132 - PCC Repairs
- Bid Date: November 14, 2017
- Bid Date: November 13, 2017 at 11:00 a.m.
--Plan Holders List Knowles Road Pedestrian Path 11-08-17
--Knowles Road Summary of Bids 11-13-17
Purchase and Delivery of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel
This Invitation for Bids (IFB) is for the purpose of establishing a contract with a qualified vendor to provide gasoline and diesel fuel to the Village of Gurnee Public Works facilities.
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Bidders are to submit one original of their response to this IFB. The bidders are to use the bid forms provided in this packet to submit their bids. The bids will be publicly opened and read with all bidders welcome to attend. Facsimile (FAX) or email bids are not acceptable and will not be considered.
SUBMISSION DATE: Tuesday, October 31, 2017 at 10:30 A.M.
Bids received after the time specified will be returned to the bidder unopened
Village Hall
325 N. O'Plaine Road
Gurnee, IL 60031
CONTACT/QUESTIONS: Submit questions to:
Mr. Craig Lambrecht
Fleet Management Administrator
1151 Kilbourne Road
Gurnee, IL 60031
(847) 599-6881
Sealed bids for the improvement described below will be received at the office of the Village of Gurnee, Engineering, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, until 10:30 A.M., July 11, 2017. Bids will be opened and read publicly at that time.
4580 Old Grand Avenue
The project includes the removal of a 200,000 gallon welded steel elevated water storage tank and appurtenances.
1. Proposal or Bid forms will be available in the office of the Village of Gurnee, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, or at for no cost.
2. Only the Bid Forms attached hereto shall be used. Bid forms shall be filled out in their entirety, no carry over bids will be accepted.
3. The awarding authority reserves the right to waive technicalities and to reject any or all proposals as provided in Check Sheet LRS 6 of the “Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions”, prepared by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
4. Contractor shall not pay less than the prevailing rates of wages to all laborers, workmen, and mechanics performing work under this contract, and shall comply with the requirements of the Illinois Wages of Employees on Public Works Act (820 ILCS 130/1-12).
Sealed proposals for the improvement described below will be received at the office of the Village of Gurnee, Engineering, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, until 10:30 A.M., March 9, 2017. Proposals will be opened and read publicly at that time.
Magnolia Ave (Grand to Glenflora), Old Grand Ave (Kilbourne to Emerald), Ferndale (100' S of Rt. 41) Gurnee IL
Reconstruction HMA roadways, water main installation, storm drainage improvements inclusive but not limited to: Earth Excavation, Water Main, Storm Sewer, HMA Binder and SC and other associated items to complete the improvements.
Please download the "Notice to Bidders" for complete instructions.
Municipality: Village of Gurnee
Road District: Warren
County: Lake
Project No.: 8361
Sealed proposals for the improvement described below will be received at the office of the Village of Gurnee, Engineering, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, until 10:30 A.M., April 3rd, 2017. Proposals will be opened and read publicly at that time.
Various locations throughout the community as directed by the Engineer.
The project includes the removal of public sidewalk trip hazards through the use of mud jacking (hydraulic concrete lifting method) at various locations throughout the Village. The contract is based on per unit pricing for amount not to exceed Board approved budgets and for the 2018 Fiscal Year, the amount shall not exceed $25,000 dollars.
- Proposal forms will be available in the office of the Village of Gurnee, 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee, Illinois 60031, or at for no cost.
- Only the Bid Forms attached hereto shall be used. Bid forms shall be filled out in their entirety, no carry over bids will be accepted.
- The awarding authority reserves the right to waive technicalities and to reject any or all proposals as provided in Check Sheet LRS 6 of the “Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions”, prepared by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
- Contractor shall not pay less than the prevailing rates of wages to all laborers, workmen, and mechanics performing work under this contract, and shall comply with the requirements of the Illinois Wages of Employees on Public Works Act (820 ILCS 130/1-12).
By Order Of The:
Village of Gurnee
(Awarding Authority)
Andy Harris / Village Clerk
Bid ResultsBid Packet
County: Lake
Local Public Agency: Gurnee
Section Number: 17-00000-01-GM
Route: Various
Sealed proposals for the improvement described below will be received at the office of the Village of Engineer, 325 N. O'Plaine until 10:30 a.m. on April 6, 2017.
Name: 2017 Street Maintenance Program - Gurnee Project #8355
Length: 19,200 feet (3.63 miles)
Proposed Improvement: Hot-Mix Surf., Rem, Cl-D Pavement Patching, Leveling Binder, HMA Surface Course, Curb Sidewalk Rem. & Repl., MH & Inlet Adj., Thermo Pvmt. Marking and other associated items to complete the improvements
Notice to Bidders/Bid Packet
The Village of Gurnee is seeking to engage a professional planning consultant for the purpose of developing an updated Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the Village.
Submittal Deadline
Six (6) hard copies of the qualifications, and one (1) electronic copy in PDF format on CD, in accordance with this RFQ, marked “RFQ for Comprehensive Land Use Plan” shall be submitted by 4:00 pm February 19, 2016 to:
David Ziegler
Community Development Director
Village of Gurnee
325 N. O’Plaine Road
Gurnee, IL 60031
The RFP Document is attached below as in Acrobat PDF format
PDF Attachment: Network Equipment RFP