Gurnee Fire Department Blood Drives

Why Donate Blood?

Blood donation helps supply blood products to treat patients with severe injuries and serious health conditions. A single donation can help save up to 3 lives. According to LifeSource, every two seconds, an American is in need of blood. Without the blood provided by generous donors, 4.5 million Americans would die each year. In spite of this need, only 3% of eligible adults in the Chicagoland area will donate blood this year.

Please consider donating blood at the upcoming Fire Department Blood Drive! All blood types are needed.

Upcoming Blood Drives

You can register or find other local blood drives at

Can't make one of these mobile blood drives?

You can donate at the Vitalant Gurnee Blood Donation Center located at 5250 Grand Ave Gurnee, IL. Visit their website for more information:

Saturday, March 15, 2025, 8:30am- 1:30pm
Fire Station 2 (6581 Dada Dr) - Apparatus Floor

Saturday, July 12, 2025, 8:30am- 1:30pm
Fire Station 2 (6581 Dada Dr) - Community Room

Saturday, November 15, 2025, 8:30am- 1:30pm
Fire Station 2 (6581 Dada Dr) - Apparatus Floor

What to Bring: Please bring a valid ID. Eat well and hydrate before you come! Donors are strongly encouraged to make an appointment (see below) but not required.

3 Ways to Schedule an Appointment (Appointments Recommended):

  1. Go to, click on DONATE BLOOD, then make an appointment. Use Group Code ORD0G110.
  2. Call Vitalant at 1-877-543-3768. Reference Group Code ORD0G110.
  3. Stop by Vitalant's Gurnee office at 5250 Grand Avenue and use code ORDOG110 .

If you cannot go to a drive but want to contribute, you can visit any Vitalant location and use code G110 to have your donation counted toward the total. For more information, please see Vitalant's donation overview.

Questions? Call Deputy Chief Dave Douglass at 847-599-6767.