
  • Nov 2, 2018, 10:55 AM

Ethylene Oxide - November 2nd, 2018 Update

The Village of Gurnee has been in contact with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concerning air quality regulations as it relates to the use of the chemical ethylene oxide by manufactures located within the Village. Vantage Specialty Chemicals Inc. located at 3938 Porett Drive, Gurnee, is a site which uses ethylene oxide. The EPA recently updated its risk value for ethylene oxide and is working with industry and state air agencies to further evaluate the use of this chemical. The Village has been advised that Vantage Specialty Chemicals Inc. is cooperating with the EPA to provide additional information about its current emissions control equipment and perimeter testing to be conducted at the facility, the results of which will be provided to the EPA. The Village will continue to monitor EPA risk assessments as to the use of the chemical ethylene oxide within the Village. The most recently released National Air Toxics Assessment (NATA) Report, which estimates health risks for toxic air pollutants can be found on the EPA’s website at