
  • Oct 7, 2019, 16:41 PM

Recreational Cannabis Sales Phone Poll: Wednesday, October 9th at 7PM

On Monday, August 26th, 2019 the Gurnee Village Board held a regularly scheduled Committee of the Whole Meeting to discuss the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act, which legalizes the possession and private use of cannabis for Illinois residents over 21 years of age after January 1, 2020. Municipalities may adopt and enforce local ordinances to regulate possession and public consumption of cannabis so long as the regulations and penalties are consistent with the Act. The State of Illinois is allowing municipalities to decide whether to prohibit recreational cannabis businesses from locating in their communities.

The Village Board determined they wanted to hear the opinions of Gurnee residents on this topic so in order to do that, the Village of Gurnee has scheduled a Connect CTY Poll at 7 p.m. on October 9th regarding the topic of Recreation Cannabis that will be sent to subscribed residents. The poll will be only one question asking, "Would you support allowing recreational cannabis dispensaries to operate in the Village of Gurnee?" Respondents can either press 1, 2, 3, or 4 correlating with 4 provided response options. Pressing 1 indicates you "strongly support", 2 that you "somewhat support, 3 that you "somewhat oppose" and 4 that you "strongly oppose". This phone poll can only be taken once and by those who answer when they receive the automated call.

You can create an account at to ensure you are subscribed to receive Connect CTY notifications and messages so that you can participate in the survey at 7 p.m. on October 9th. If you currently receive our automated calls (mosquito sprayings, leaf collection, etc.) you are registered for Connect CTY and will receive the call.

To find materials shared at the Village Board Meeting and to learn more about recreational cannabis use and sales, visit the Gurnee web page here:

The Village is continuing to encourage interested residents to participate in our online survey regarding recreational cannabis here:

You can also find the survey on the Village website and a paper copy available at Village Hall (325 N O'Plaine Road, Gurnee, IL 60031).