2020 Census
April 1st is National Census Day. By now, all households have received their official Census Bureau mail with detailed information on how to respond either online, by phone or by mail. April 1st is NOT the deadline but rather a reference date.
The Census is a Constitutional mandate that is taken every 10 years to count everyone (citizens and noncitizens) living in the United States. By having an accurate count of the population, law makers, teachers, business owners and many more public entities are able to create policies and receive funding that best supports their community. Every year, billions of dollars in federal funding are allocated to services such as: hospitals, fire departments, schools, roads and other resources based on census data. An accurate count also ensures fair political representation in the U.S. House of Representatives.
For more information on the Census, visit the "What is 2020 Census" at https://2020census.gov/en/what-is-2020-census.html
To take the Census online visit 2020census.gov
To respond by phone call 1-844-330-2020
To respond by mail return the paper questionnaire to:
U.S. Census Bureau
National Processing Center
1201 E. 10th Street
Jeffersoville, IN 47132
Make Gurnee Count!