
  • May 21, 2020, 09:52 AM

Eligo Energy Selected as Renewable Energy Supplier Starting in July

    Gurnee Renews 100% Renewable Energy Program

GURNEE - Following the passage of a March 2012 voter Referendum, the Village of Gurnee contracted to procure electric supply in a municipal electric aggregation program for residents and small businesses. Since 2012, this program has saved the average household $375 on their electric bill and Gurnee residents over $3.7 million combined.

The Village has continued to monitor the power supply market and recently was able to contract a program with Eligo Energy LLC whereby residents and small businesses will pay exactly the ComEd rate and 100% Wind Green-e certified Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) will be purchased for the Village. This program will position the Village to be designated as an EPA Green Power Partner Community at zero increased cost to the residents for the second consecutive year. Gurnee ranked #14 nationally in 2020 with 43.2% of the community’s power comes from renewable sources. The program is for a 12-month term starting with meter read dates in July 2020 and ending at meter read dates in June 2021.

The cost of serving each electric account varies greatly, depending on usage patterns. Some ratepayer accounts will be served by ComEd supply service and others will continue with our current supplier, Eligo Energy LLC and pay the exact same ComEd rate every month. Eligo Energy will purchase RECs for the Village based on the historical usage for accounts on Eligo Energy supply and ComEd supply.

As such, some ratepayers will receive notice that their account will remain with ComEd supply service. There is no need to opt out because their account will not be switched.

Other ratepayers will receive notice their service is switching to Eligo Energy. Those ratepayers may choose to opt out by calling Eligo Energy LLC at 630-468-0369 or email,  or returning the enclosed pre-paid postage card.

Residents in the Gurnee Green Electric Aggregation Program, whether receiving service from ComEd or from Eligo Energy will pay the same identical rate. Notices of the program will be mailed the week of May 20th. There is never an enrollment fee, an early termination fee, nor any added monthly fees.

All Gurnee residents that currently receive service through the following programs are eligible to Opt-Into the program, however please review your current contract terms and conditions before making this decision.

The program is anticipated to reduce carbon emissions. RECs purchased for the Village’s energy consumption will be sourced from wind power generators located in the Midwest and are Green-e certified. For more information about energy supply choices, visit the ICC site at For specific questions about your own electric account, do not call Village Hall; call the Village of Gurnee’s aggregation program supplier Eligo Energy at (630) 468-0369. If you require additional assistance, call the Village’s energy consultant, NIMEC at (800)-727-3820 to leave your question and callback number. You will be contacted by NIMEC within 24 hours regarding the issue. You may also email with your specific question.

Please note Eligo Energy will not come to your door or call you regarding this program.  Any solicitor who comes to your door, or calls asking you to switch to a new supplier is not associated with the Village’s Aggregation Program, and not associated with Eligo Energy.  Should you receive such a call from a person purporting to represent the Village, Eligo, or ComEd, please take the solicitor’s information and contact the Illinois Commerce Commission at their Consumer Services Division complaint line: 800-524-0795.