Ethylene Oxide Update #35
Ethylene Oxide Update #35
In this update includes:
- First set of results from Phase III samples received
- Results included three days of samples from 10 locations for a total of thirty samples
- Testing completed, awaiting additional sets of results from GHD Services
To monitor the effectiveness of the negative pressure system and the continuous emissions monitoring, the Lake County Health Department, the Village of Gurnee and the City of Waukegan approved a thirty-day intergovernmental agreement and a contract with GHD Services to collect an additional 10-days of samples over thirty-day period. These results are being submitted to the Agency for Toxic Substances Disease Registry (ATSDR) and Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) for a health risk assessment. The current estimate is that this assessment will be completed four to six months following the completion of Phase III testing.
The results of the all previous testing be viewed at:
The spreadsheet of all results is available at:
To keep up to date on Ethylene Oxide in Gurnee, visit