Garage Sales are Allowed During Phase 3 In Gurnee
As we move in to summer, more residents are reaching out to the Village with the question: “Can we have garage sales during COVID-19?”
The short answer is: “YES! As long as the social distancing requirements of Phase 3 are met during the garage sale”.
A few precautions we recommend for having a garage sale during Phase 3 of Restore Illinois include:
• No more than 10 people at the sale at a time
• Wear masks when unable to socially distance
• Be cautious when handling cash and regularly use hand sanitizer
• Clean all tables and chairs several times throughout the day
• Use tape to space customers and encourage a safe flow of traffic through the sale
As of 2017, Gurnee no longer requires a permit for garage sales as long as the sale lasts no more than four days in length and if you have two or fewer sales per year.
Be safe, and remember to remove all signs and advertisements after the sale is completed.