Gurnee Village Board to Hold Special Meeting on Third Fire Station
GURNEE, IL – The Gurnee Village Board will hold a Special Meeting on Monday, August 31st, starting at 7:00 p.m. in the Village Hall Council Chambers (325 N. O’Plaine Road). The Village Board will discuss and vote on awarding bids related to the construction of a third Fire Station.
The meeting is open to the public, however, face coverings and social distancing are required for those in attendance. The meeting agenda can be found here.
The Village has been planning the construction of a third fire station for the past five years. The station is proposed to be located behind 731 S. Route 21 and will improve service to the southern portion of the Village and the Warren-Waukegan Fire Protection District’s (WWFPD) Route 120 corridor. The Village of Gurnee provides contractual fire protection and emergency medical service to the WWFPD. This relationship goes back to the 1930s, with the first contract approved in the late 1970s. The most recent contract for service includes the WWFPD contributing $2 million towards the construction of a third fire station. The Village is proposing to finance the remaining expense of the project through a bank loan.
Bids for the project were opened on July 30th. A total of 103 bids were received among the various bid packages. The project came in at approximately $5.8 million, which is $546 thousand under what was estimated.
The meeting is open to the public, however, face coverings and social distancing are required for those in attendance. The meeting agenda can be found here.
The Village has been planning the construction of a third fire station for the past five years. The station is proposed to be located behind 731 S. Route 21 and will improve service to the southern portion of the Village and the Warren-Waukegan Fire Protection District’s (WWFPD) Route 120 corridor. The Village of Gurnee provides contractual fire protection and emergency medical service to the WWFPD. This relationship goes back to the 1930s, with the first contract approved in the late 1970s. The most recent contract for service includes the WWFPD contributing $2 million towards the construction of a third fire station. The Village is proposing to finance the remaining expense of the project through a bank loan.
Bids for the project were opened on July 30th. A total of 103 bids were received among the various bid packages. The project came in at approximately $5.8 million, which is $546 thousand under what was estimated.