
  • Nov 10, 2020, 11:27 AM

Ethylene Oxide Update #40: November 10, 2020

Ethylene Oxide Update #40

In this update includes:

  • Quarter 3 stack monitoring and fugitive emissions results received by IEPA; Vantage within permitted emission cap

The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) has updated its website to include the Q3 data related to Vantage’s permit. The results indicate Vantage has released 54.88 pounds (49.89% of permitted annual total) of EtO cumulatively year-to-date, of which 27.69 pounds (46.15% of permitted annual total) were fugitive emissions. Public Act 101-0023 and Vantage’s Construction Permit limit the facility to 110 pounds of emissions annually of which no more than 60 pounds can be fugitive emissions. The submission noted “Vantage Specialties did not have any deviations from the requirements of Construction Permit No, 19100015 during the reporting period”. On the initial monitoring day in the month of August the Enhanced Leak Detection & Repair Program (LDAR) detected a leak on a connector component.  This small leak was repaired the same day via gasket replacement and passed follow-up monitoring six hours later.  The third quarter report is now available on the IEPA website here:

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