
  • May 4, 2022, 14:36 PM

Orion Water Device Change Out Program

In 2021, the Village kicked off a multi-year program to change out all Orion communication devices in the community to a modernized unit. The Orion device is what transmits data from the water meter to the Village to record usage. Currently, the meters have a short range that requires crews to drive through neighborhoods to collect meter data.

The new Orion devices will communicate water data in real-time via a cellular network. This will allow residents to get live updates on their water consumption and identify any leaks or spikes in usage.

The change out will occur over a four-year program. Almost all current Orion devices are located on the exterior of homes. Change out in those situations will not require appointments. Staff will work through a neighborhood one house at a time to remove the old Orion and install the new one. If an Orion device is located inside or if there are issues prohibiting an exterior change out, the resident will be notified by a door tag of the need to set up a time when we can enter the home.

During the change out, water service will not be disrupted. Employees will have Village identification, including bright yellow vests and identification badges. Staff will knock on doors prior to beginning work to keep residents informed.

In the near future, residents will be able to set up an online account or download the EyeOnWater app to monitor their water usage and/or set thresholds for text or email alerts. More information about the EyeOnWater app will be communicated to residents once the service becomes available.

Change Out Program FAQs:

  • What work is being performed? The remote water meter reader is being replaced. This device transmits the reading from your water meter back to our meter reading software.
  • Why is the remote water meter reader being replaced? The current remote readers are nearing their end of life. Replacing them proactively will ensure accurate meter reading and billing in the future.
  • Is there a cost for the replacement? No. There is no cost to the customer.
  • Will my water bill increase? Replacing the remote water meter reader will not cause an increase in water consumption.
  • Is this a “Smart Meter”? No. The device being replaced does not register consumption, it only transmits the reading from your existing water meter to the Village meter reading software.