Village Board Approves 2023 - 2026 Strategic Plan
At Monday night's Village Board meeting, the Village Board approved the 2023 - 2026 Strategic Plan. The planning efforts began in early 2022 with an examination of the operating environment consisting of a community survey, an internal stakeholder survey, six focus groups, Board of Trustee interviews and a Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats (SWOT) analysis.
In May, the Village’s leadership team held a full day strategic planning session, which concluded with the team identifying the following 6 Key Strategic Priorities: Fiscal Sustainability, Well-Maintained Infrastructure, Effective Communication, a Stable, Well-Trained Workforce, a Safe Community, and Lifestyle Vitality. These strategic priorities were further built upon to include specific initiatives and action plans.
The full Strategic Plan can be viewed here: Gurnee Strategic Plan 2023-2026. The public is encouraged to view the Strategic Plan as the these initiatives expect to have a meaningful impact to the community.