Green Energy Electrical Aggregation Program
The Village has contracted with MC Squared Energy Services LLC to offer a 25% renewable energy program. They were selected, as part of a competitive bid, to serve eligible residents and small business customers with a fixed electric supply rate of 7.05 cents per kWh for a 10-month term beginning with the December 2023 ComEd meter read cycle, ending with the October 2024 ComEd meter read cycle.
Notices have been mailed to residents and small businesses around October 18th. The Uniform Disclosure Statement document that was included in the Gurnee Green Energy Aggregation Program Notice's states the MC Squared 10-month term rate is 7.05 cents/kWh. This rate is the final rate for a participant in our program.
Some accounts that are currently being served by ComEd will be moved to MC Squared. For those moved to MC Squared ratepayers will be charged a rate of 7.05¢ per kWh which will also include 25% renewable energy. ComEd and residents served by MC Squared Energy will continue to be billed by ComEd. In addition, residents can opt in or opt out of the program at any time with no termination fees.