
  • Sep 20, 2024, 11:49 AM

September 30th Town Hall Meeting Announcement

The September 30th Committee of the Whole meeting will serve as a Town Hall Meeting for residents and business owners to share concerns related to the area of the Village generally located east of Route 41.  The Town Hall will be moderated by Mayor Hood and include a brief presentation by the Gurnee Police Department.  The Police Department presentation will review traffic safety, neighborhood crime and crime prevention.  The Department will also share information on what residents can do to assist in addressing issues. In addition, representatives from other Village Departments will be in attendance. 

The purpose of the Town Hall is for elected officials and staff to hear concerns and gather information. This information, combined with expected recommendations from a recently formed group, will assist elected officials and staff over the coming months with prioritizing items, developing action plans and allocating resources.   

The Town Hall will be from 7:00pm to 9:00pm in the Gurnee Village Hall Council Chambers located at 325 N. O’Plaine Road, Gurnee. The Town Hall will also be livestreamed on the Village’s YouTube channel: