• Feb 11, 2022, 10:56 AM

Ethylene Oxide Update #50: February 11, 2022

Ethylene Oxide Update #50

In this update includes:

  • Quarter 4 stack monitoring and fugitive emissions results received by IEPA
  • Vantage finishes 2021 at 21.18 pounds released, down from 62.44 pounds in 2020.
  • 80.74% under IEPA permitted annual emissions

The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) has updated its website to include the 2021 Q4 data related to Vantage’s permit. The results indicate Vantage concluded 2021 at 21.18 pounds (19.26% of permitted annual total) of ethylene oxide (EtO) emissions, of which 10.89 pounds (18.15% of permitted annual total) were fugitive emissions. This represents a significant drop from the 2020 year end result which was 62.44 pounds in total.  As a reminder, 2020 was the first year under Public Act 101-0023 and Vantage’s Construction Permit that limits the facility to 110 pounds of emissions annually of which no more than 60 pounds can be fugitive emissions.  Reported data shows a continued decline in quarterly cumulative emissions released, and significant year-over-year decreases. 

2020 vs 2021 Quarterly data
(Click Image to Expand)

The submission noted, “There were no leaking components in November and December 2021. Detailed information for the only leak detected in October 2021 is provided in the following table”.  A leak was detected October 1, 2021 on a connector and repaired by replacing a gasket the same afternoon.  Monitoring is conducted by Montrose Air Quality Services (https://montrose-env.com).   The fourth quarter report is available on the IEPA website here: https://www2.illinois.gov/epa/topics/community-relations/sites/ethylene-oxide/Documents/Vantage%20Const%20Permit%20Q4%202021%20Report.pdf

To keep up to date on Ethylene Oxide in Gurnee, visit www.gurnee.il.us/eto

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