Means conditions are right for a tornado; be alert and watch local conditions.
Tornado Warning
Means a tornado has been sighted and residents should take protective measures. If there is warning time, alert sirens will be used. The warning for tornadoes is a high/low wail.
When the Siren is Sounded
Residents are asked to not call 911 or other emergency numbers for information if weather conditions are severe and the siren is sounded. These lines must be kept open for emergencies.
Seek shelter in a basement.
If no basement is available, go to the middle of the house away from glass and breakable items. Keep a flashlight and radio with you.
Tune your radio to WKRS (1220 AM) or WXLC (102.3 FM) for further information.
If You Sight a Tornado
Call 911 and head for cover immediately.
Siren Testing
Warning sirens are tested on the first Tuesday of each month at approximately 10:00 a.m.
Fire Department Asks Residents to Be Prepared for Severe Weather
When severe weather and tornado season is upon us, the Gurnee Fire Department would like residents to be prepared for dangerous weather systems. Throughout the past year, the Village installed twelve new outdoor warning sirens. These sirens were paid for through a grant from the Illinois Department of Commerce. The new state of the art outdoor sirens are found at various locations throughout the Village. The new warning system is capable of producing both a siren and a voice message warning in the event of an emergency situation.
If the National Weather Service issues a severe thunderstorm warning or tornado watch, the emergency warning system will produce a voice message alert. If the immediate area is covered by a tornado warning, the sirens and a voice message would be activated. Please remember that during sever weather, tune your radio to WKRS 1220 AM or WXLC 102.3 FM for additional weather related information.
During a Tornado Warning
Go at once to a basement, storm cellar, or the lowest level of the building. If there is no basement, go to an inner hallway or a smaller inner room without windows, such as a bathroom or closet. Get away from corners because they tend to attract debris. Try to get under a piece of sturdy furniture such as a workbench, heavy table, or desk and hold on to it. Use your arms to protect your head and neck.
If you are outdoors during a tornado warning, try to get inside a building. If shelter is not available or there is no time to get indoors, lie in a ditch or low-lying area or crouch near a strong building. Be aware of the potential for flooding. Use your arms to protect your head and neck.
Develop an emergency communication plan for you and your family. In case family members are separated from one another during a tornado, have a plan for getting back together. Ask an out-of-state relative or friend to serve as the "family contact." After a disaster, it's often easier to call long distance. Make sure every one knows the name, address, and phone number of the contact person.
If you have additional questions regarding severe weather preparations, please contact the Gurnee Fire Department at (847) 599-6600.