Street Division
The Department of Public Works Street Division is responsible for the maintenance of streets, right-of-ways, municipal buildings, urban forestry and landscape sites, traffic control signs, street lighting, storm sewer and detention systems. During the winter season the Street Division conducts snow and ice control operations on the Village’s 243 lane miles of roads including 328 cul-de-sacs and dead end streets.
Street Signs
The purpose of traffic control signs or devices is to promote roadway safety and efficiency by providing orderly movement of all road users on any street and highway throughout the United States. The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) contains the basic principles that govern the design and use of traffic controls signs or devices for all streets and highways open to public travel regardless of the type, class or the public agency jurisdiction. The MUTCD specifies the design, placement, operation, maintenance and uniformity of all traffic control signs or devices
Gurnee Public Works is responsible for the fabrication, installation, care and maintenance of close to 3,800 traffic control signs throughout the Village.