Police Records Division
The Records Division is the repository of all official Department generated reports and citations. Our primary focus is to ensure the integrity of the Department’s records management system and to maintain data in a variety of information systems to be retrieved as needed.
Have a question, comment, or complaint? If so, please leave us a comment. We look forward to hearing from you.
The records division consists of:
1 Records Supervisor
4 Records Assistants
To contact our records division personnel:
- Service Desk: Records Department hours are Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. at the Gurnee Police Station (100 N. O'Plaine Rd, Gurnee)
- Telephone: 847-599-7070
- Fax: 847-599-7177
- Email: policerecords@police.gurnee.il.us
The following information addresses some of the most frequently asked questions processed by the records division:
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and requests for copies of a police report can be made in-person at our service desk, via email or by clicking here.
Traffic crash report requests are available 24-hours a day through an online accident report provider. Information is available online by clicking here.
Police report requests for copies of a police report (other than traffic crashes) can be made in-person at our service desk, via email or through the Village website by clicking here.
Citation payments for ordinance and parking tickets can be made in-person at our service desk or online. If the ticket number starts with “P” or “OV” you may through e-pay clicking here..
Administrative hearings to contest an ordinance or parking ticket are scheduled through the records division. More information about the administrative hearing process is available by clicking here.
Petition to Set Aside Final Determination of Liability is the form used to request a review of an order of “LIABLE” under limited circumstances. This form and additional information is available by clicking here.
Taxi Operator License Application
Have a question, comment, or complaint? If so, please leave us a comment. We look forward to hearing from you.