Integrated Pest Management

The implementation of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program is the best way to keep tree diseases and insects under control. This plan hinges on the idea that in an ecosystem, a certain level of insects and disease is naturally present and that the chemical eradication of these organisms may disrupt a delicate balance in nature. The plan calls for the establishment of damage/economic thresholds to determine at what point chemical application of pesticides is warranted, and ensures that the purpose of this chemical application is only to keep pest populations within these thresholds.

There are many different components to an IPM system. Scouting for the early identification of plant problems, cultural practices that increase tree vigor, selection of species resistant to pest problems and the use of biological controls all play a role in reducing chemical pesticide applications and lead to a healthy urban forest.

Forestry staff continues to actively scout for and follow-up on all calls about exotic tree pests in the Village.  The Dutch Elm Disease Program includes disease scouting, tagging, notification, follow-up inspections and assistance with the disposal of diseased material.  We continue to comb the Village in search of Emerald Ash Borer as well as Gypsy Moth.  During the spring of 2009, the Village contracted with Hendrickson Flying Service to conduct aerial spraying in Hickory Haven to curtail a growing population of Gypsy Moth that had been attacking a stand of mature oaks.  Forestry staff conducted several follow-up inspections of this neighborhood during the summer months and, by all accounts, the spray program was a resounding success.

The following pages provide specific detail on two particular areas of concern to the Forestry Division: