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- Small Business Capital Grant FAQ's
Small Business Capital Grant Frequently Asked Questions.
The Village of Gurnee is accepting applications for the Small Business Capital Grant program. Below is a list of frequently asked questions. Email smallbusiness@village.gurnee.il.us
Small Business Capital Grant FAQ's
Why did the Village start this program?
The Village of Gurnee recognizes and appreciates the value, hard work and investments made by the small business community. This program was initiated during the COVID-19 pandemic, and through prudent budgeting, the Village is in a financial position to continue to offer incentives to business owners to do projects that might not otherwise have been possible.
What is a capital project?
A capital project is a project which enhances or improves an asset; in this case, commercial real estate. The intent of this program is to help fund improvements or repairs of a permanent nature that will remain with the property. Capital projects are typically defined as new construction, expansion, or renovations of a property. Common capital improvement projects are: roof replacement, patio structure of a permanent nature, parking lot improvement, signage improvement, plumbing ,electrical and HVAC improvements, etc.
What is the difference between the Transformational Grant and Impact Grant
The Impact Grant is a 1:1 matching reimbursable grant up to $10,000. Two may be awarded per eligible applicant. The Impact Grant is also open year-round till funds are no longer available.
The Transformational Grant is a competitive grant for capital investments greater than $100K. Applications for the Transformational Grant are accepted once annually. This is a 1:1 matching reimbursable grant up to $50,000. Only two grants of this size will be awarded each year.
Receipt of one type of grant (Impact or Transformational) does not preclude the other.
The Transformational Grant is a competitive grant for capital investments greater than $100K. Applications for the Transformational Grant are accepted once annually. This is a 1:1 matching reimbursable grant up to $50,000. Only two grants of this size will be awarded each year.
Receipt of one type of grant (Impact or Transformational) does not preclude the other.

What type of projects fit in the scope of the SBCG?
Construction - site, interior or exterior | HVAC improvements |
Parking lot improvements no less than resurfacing or expansions | Accessibility improvements |
Patio type structure of a permanent nature | Carryout/Curbside reconfiguration including permanent signage |
Facade improvements/restoration | Improvement or installation of high efficiency materials or permanent technology to building |
Life safety improvements | Exterior signage (ground or wall) excluding individual sign face changes |
Plumbing improvements | Capital equipment if permanently installed |
Electrical improvements, including lighting | Awning improvement or addition |
Dumpster enclosure | Re-roof |
Painting, only in conjunction with a larger project, minimum total investment $10,000 ($5,000 grant) | Permanent fencing improvements |
Landscape installation, only in conjunction with a larger project, minimum total investment $10,000 ($5,000 grant) | Professional fees (excluding building permit fees) required to accomplish or undertake project |
Replacement Capital projects of qualifying elements will generally be eligible so long as the replacement is of a permanent nature and will remain with the property.
What projects do not qualify under the SBCG Program?
The Small Business Capital Investment Grant Program is for capital improvements; therefore, cosmetic improvements do not qualify. Examples (not inclusive) of cosmetic improvements include:
Any project expense already funded or incentivized with other public sources - federal, state, county or municipal - will not qualify for funds from the Small Business Capital Investment Grant Program.
Improvements not specifically listed as eligible, or ineligible are subject to review and approval by the Village of Gurnee. Grants may be awarded in part if not all expenses are eligible.
- Painting
- Installation or replacement of finishes
- Sealcoating
- Most items not requiring a building permit.
- Demolition or grading
- Acquisition of furniture, fixtures & equipment (commonly referred to as FF&E expenditures)
Any project expense already funded or incentivized with other public sources - federal, state, county or municipal - will not qualify for funds from the Small Business Capital Investment Grant Program.
Improvements not specifically listed as eligible, or ineligible are subject to review and approval by the Village of Gurnee. Grants may be awarded in part if not all expenses are eligible.
How does a matching grant work?
Under the program, the Village will provide matching funds up to the specified maximum for eligible capital projects. the applicant is required to match the grant funds approved to complete the project by expending at least an equal amount of their own funds to complete the project. Applicant labor and time contributions to the capital project or "sweat equity" cannot be included as match expenditures required from applicant.
Will the Village of Gurnee offer this every year?
To date the Village Board has approved $1,000,000 in SBCG funds. The program is subject to annual review and re-appropriation of funding. The program is available until each years' budget funds have been expended.
What is the application deadline?
The Village will accept applications for the Impact Grant year-round until funds are no longer available.
Application period for the Transformational Grant is set by the village annually; two awards will given. If you have missed the deadline to apply, feel free to apply for the Impact Grant.
Application period for the Transformational Grant is set by the village annually; two awards will given. If you have missed the deadline to apply, feel free to apply for the Impact Grant.
How long do I have to complete the approved project?
Businesses have eighteen (18) months from the issuance of "Letter of Award" to complete the approved project.
Is there an application fee?
No application fee.
What is the maximum I can apply for?
Businesses may request reimbursement of 50% of eligible expenses.
Impact Grant is 1:1 matching up to $10,000, maximum two grants or $20,000.
Transformational Grant requires a minimum investment of $100,000 and is a 1:1 matching grant up to $50,000.
Impact Grant is 1:1 matching up to $10,000, maximum two grants or $20,000.
Transformational Grant requires a minimum investment of $100,000 and is a 1:1 matching grant up to $50,000.
What is the time frame on a decision once an application is submitted?
Decisions will usually made within 30 days after a receipt of a full completed application. Applicants will receive an Award Letter.
When are grant funds paid?
Grant funds are paid upon completion of the capital project(s) as long as the proper permits have been fulfilled if applicable and documentation is provided, which must include the following documents:
- W-9;
- Paid receipts; or
- Contactor's affidavit affirming project completion and payment
What type of businesses qualify under the Program?
All eligible businesses must meet all of the following conditions:
- Generate sales tax, food & beverage tax, amusement tax or hotel tax and be current with the remittance of all such taxes payable to the Village
- Hold current Village of Gurnee business license and be properly licensed in all other respects
- Home occupations are not eligible for grants under this program
- Must be compliant with all obligations and in good standing with the Village of Gurnee
Do I qualify if my business is located in unincorporated Gurnee?
No, businesses located outside of the corporate limits of Gurnee do not qualify.
Do I qualify if my business opened during COVID-19?
Yes, any eligible business that opened in the Village of Gurnee prior to August 2021 can qualify for the program.
Do I qualify if my business closed for a short duration during COVID-19?
Many businesses had to shut down temporarily during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. As long as the closure was temporary, and the eligible business is now open, it can qualify for the grant.
I own multiple businesses in the Village. Can each qualify?
Yes, grants are funded per eligible business licensee. Therefore, if you hold multiple Village of Gurnee business licenses, each of those businesses may apply assuming it meets the program criteria.
Who needs to sign the application as "Applicant"?
The business owner or authorized agent for the business must sign on behalf of the business applicant.
I own a business, but not the property, can my business still qualify?
Businesses can qualify with property owner consent, which needs to be indicated on the application.
If my business leases its location, can my landlord contribute matching funds for the project?
Yes, the landlord can provide some or all of the 50% required matching funding for the project.
I own commercial real estate in the Village; can I apply?
Applicants need to be an eligible licensed business in the Village of Gurnee, however:
- Multi-tenant center owners with at least one eligible business in the center, may qualify for up to $10,000, twice, to fund common area improvements or build out a tenant space for an eligible business. A business or tenant space related to the management or operations of the property (e.g. "management office") is not eligible.
- Eligible business tenants can apply for capital improvements to their own tenant space; landowners can help fund the proposed project.
I received other grant funds for capital improvements. Do I still qualify?
If other public funding has been received for the same project expenses, then those particular expenses will not qualify for the Small Business Capital Grant. If there are other project expenses that were not covered, then those could be eligible under the SBCG program.
Do I have to get permits if the Village approved grant funding?
Yes, although the Village has approved matching funds for the project, the Applicant is still responsible for obtaining all necessary permits.
Can I use grant funds for permit fees?
No, permit fees do not qualify as an eligible expense.
How do I submit my application for the grant?
All SBCG grant applications, and any supporting documentation, must be summitted to smallbusiness@village.gurnee.il.us.
How would I be notified if I am awarded grant funds?
Village Staff will provide written notification to the applicant stating whether the application was approved as submitted, approved with changes or rejected.
If my project was completed during COVID-19, can I apply for the grant retroactively?
Yes, any project, within the capital grant guidelines, completed after January 1, 2020 may be eligible.
How do I make sure payment of the grant goes to the right place?
A W-9 will be required upon notification of grant award.
Whom can I contact with questions?
All questions can be directed to smallbusiness@village.gurnee.il.us.
Where can I find the application?
The SBCG application can be found here.
If I received SBCG funds under the original program, can I apply a second time?
Previous awardees may reapply, with new projects, for another 1:1 matching grant up to $10,000.