Environmental Sustainability Committee


The Environmental Sustainability was created in November 2020. The Environmental Sustainability Committee will assist with the Village’s effort to regularly employ and encourage “green” initiatives to protect our valuable land and beautiful open spaces.

The Environmental Sustainability Committee consists of community members appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Village Board and will advise the Village Board on sustainability issues affecting municipal operations and the community at large.

Common duties of the Environmental Sustainability Committee will include, but are not limited to, promoting sustainability in the community, facilitating opportunities for citizen and agency input pertaining to sustainability, and advising the Village Board on existing and proposed governmental ordinances, actions, and regulations related to sustainability.

Committee Members

The current committee members include (Terms Ending April 30, 2025): 

  • Karen Thorstenson - Chair
  • Meg Beckley
  • Matt Beckley
  • Dan Helgren
  • Brian Penticoff
  • Anya Polanski
  • Zoe Zweifelhofer


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